Wretched feelings

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It could have been for years. He didn't know when the scorching, hot, and  ferocious essence started to burn into the coils of his heart at the mere thought of his best friend. His friend. Buttercup Utonium. A powerpuff. What was wrong with him? Why did he have to relentlessly and sloppily accept the dare?  He shouldn't have. Not in front of everyone anyways. Butch can't get the face of his beautiful, stunning, gorgeous, kissable-

He stopped his train of thoughts letting it screech to a halt. Embers sparked everywhere tenderly sweeping into the frazzled depths of his brain and calloused bruised heart, over her. Butch was completely capable of striding off towards an attractive woman and warble out the junk that can make them melt into putrid puddles, but when it came to Buttercup... he couldn't. It sickly burned down his throat, always making him choke down with tingles. The air all hot and sticky whenever he warbled out a simple nickname 'sunshine' along with all the others; cupcake, flower, cuppy etc. He could scratch out an essay on that.

She really was his sunshine though. It would be a vile crime to not award her the name. Her skin glows brightly with its subtended hues of sun kissed skin splayed out on her smooth face. Absolute baby skin perfect. The urge he had occasionally to drag a finger over the milky surface. It simply only intensified now. If only... if only the kiss didn't mess him up so bad.  One stupefyingly slicing soft kiss.

It was simply a game of spin the bottle and you had to commit a dare. Honestly, a simple thing. Dares were even Butch's speciality. The more bizarre the better, the more inclined his depraved mind could strike and feed on savagely like leeches. So when the bottle landed on Buttercup, he curiously twiddled around anticipating the life around him to fizzle and spark with commotion. Also  with the uprising tension of picking out a dare.  Before he could slurp out a dare that could puncture Buttercup's ego, the dimwit younger blonde sister of hers sprinkled out the dare. The dare that possibly led to everything. Bubbles's syrupy voice was painfully sweet against both of their eardrums.

"I dare you to kiss Butch."

Even Butch tensed up along with Buttercup's frame next to him. He suddenly felt very aware of the heavy lean of her shoulder, it never felt so burning and slicing against his before; her weight against him dissipated in a flash as she straightened and froze.

"What?.." Buttercup's normally honey drizzled over burning coal voice had creaked into a soft sound of  unease. He felt it too. No way, did Butch want to do that to her. Her delicate worn palm clenched over her calloused fist which was finely caged in her lap, the energy of worry balled in her hand. He knew these sorts of things. She would clench her hands together to contain herself. Often, he wondered what it would have felt like to have the rough knuckles of hers to be safely clad under his fingers.

"Uh. Bubbles I couldn't.." Her clear pristine peridots washed over the cerulean eyes telling her to give it up. He notices the deceitful pink of her mouth open to defend him. "I can't do that to him.. I'm not making him uncomfortable for a dare..." Rose kiss points on her cheeks lightly set ablaze. "It's not fair on him."  Buttercup imparts at her.

"A dares a dare. Whether you or Butch like it sooo... I mean are you scared?"


Her firm tone sent in an uneasy burst of excitement down his spine. Butch shouldn't be dead set on how easily she said that she wasn't scared to kiss him. It made his heart ache that he, himself didn't have to guts to do the same.

Buttercup turned. To face him. The aforementioned fist of delicacy rested calmly on the floor beside  her while the other on slipped onto his knee. A twitch threatened to tear through his jostling limb as he turned into a stone at the gentle touch.

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