Invalid feelings don't fade

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No, no, no....

Butch heard it as clear as day.

He heard her cry.

Beautiful sniffles and sobs.

Only one sob.

Yet, he still heard it. Butch Jojo made his best friend cry. Such a moron he was.  Sliding against the door pathetically, he brought his knees closer to his chest. He should be punished. He shouldn't have done that. Acting like such a dick to her. Buttercup did nothing wrong. Absolutely nothing. But of course, Butch had to scream at her telling her how useless she was and her presence wasn't needed. When in reality, he really wanted to lock her in his heart and kiss her again.

His chest ached again, the thundering of his stupidity blinding him. He was so stupid. Butch felt the burn behind his eyes; the fact that he demolished such a perfect friendship with Buttercup. What would she think? Would she want him back? Or get other friends?

First off all, he needs to breathe. The same situation returned where he couldn't breathe. And damn, only Buttercup had that effect on him. He made the toughest puff crack. It was his fault. The more he imagines it; the more his eyes blurred. Her pretty pink lips curled in hurt, lime crystals turning foggy. The pained sob that escaped her. Probably, she ran her soft hands through her also soft hair. That image was always there when Buttercup goes into extensive talks.

That's when he lost it again.

He burst into angry tears and simply clutched his hair, hard enough to rip it out. That was his pride and joy; his pathetic hair. But Buttercup was worth more. His heart clenched, unable to even do its job properly. It probably has fallen to bits, incinerating each muscle that made it up. And if he ever did get with Buttercup, what would he offer her? How would he give her his heart?

A gentle knock ran on his door. The male grunted and sniffed aggressively. "W-what?!"

"Butch, are you okay bro?" Boomer's voice drifted through the walls. His crying probably got too aggressive. Maybe, they heard how he screeched and flung all his items against the wall. Emerald eyes hazily looked at the chain he once used to wear. Itching to put it back, he grabbed the light chain and clasped it around his neck. It was the only thing that linked him with Buttercup. He hoped she still wore it too, cradled beautifully against her milky collar bone whenever she wore low cut shirts. God, she looked amazing in them. She looked amazing in everything. Even on late nights, snuggled in his arms. Under the starry night, in quietude.

In a whisper, he let it out. "No... go away Boomer."

"Ah, you see that's my cue to come in." The ruff ignored his older brothers words and came in. Concerned azure eyes widened in shock. "Oh crap... uh you're actually crying. I thought I was hearing things."

"Go away idiot."

"Sheesh, I'm just trying to help." Boomer retorted as he sat down on the floor next to him. "I figured Buttercup was going to bring you to the theme park with her."

Oh god. Not her name again. Butch crinkled his eyes shut.

"Did you two have a fight?"

"Y-you could say  that." Butch quickly rubbed his eyes and buried his face into his knees again. His heart ached so bad.

Boomer wrapped a solid and stable arm around him, the other ruffling his spikes. "C'mon green. Let me in," With a soft whisper, "Please? Let me have a snippet of your thoughts? I will let you eat the last bag of chips."

A deep sigh tumbled out of Butch's lips. Buttercup's face glitched in his mind. "I messed up."

"How so?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09 ⏰

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