Part 9

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The man helps Riya up and annoyed, he says, "can't you see where your going?!" "Oh, hello I can perfectly see but I think you are blind," Riya shot back. "Oh, please you were clearly not looking," the man retorts, Riya about to give the man another comeback, that she thought was befitting for him until a voice interrupts them and girl says, "Bhai, what are you doing here and just ignore she has a habit to start fights with random people." "Shahana, mom and dad wanted to meet you and Prachi so I was naturally forced to come with and lets go for I do not want to spend another minute near this girl, " Kartirk replies, signing towards Riya.

Riya thinks, if I want forgiveness from my family and their friends I should start acting like someone sensible, "wait," Riya says. "What is it?" Kartirk irritated, but for some reason enjoying this conversation with Riya and glad that she stopped him. "Sorry," Riya mumbles, "what is it I couldn't hear you," Kartirk replies, while making a semi-circle around his ear with his hand. "Sorry," Riya repeats this time, saying it loudly. Kartirk has a satisfied smile in his face while Shahana stands still, in shock that Riya Mehra of all people just said sorry to her brother. Katirk drags Shahana with him to go to the canteen and buy something.

Riya thinks, I need to find Prachi Di quickly before our first class starts. Riya spots Prachi sitting in shade, studying for the exams that were coming up. Riya messages Prachi, asking her to come and meet her behind collage, alone. Prachi sees Riya's message and thinks, why does Riya want to meet me alone after all she doesn't like me and Shahana would say it's some sort of trap but I doubt it and what if Riya needs to tell me something important then, I should go and meet her. Prachi goes behind the main collage building (I have no idea what is in a collage and what isn't so yeah).

Prachi sees Riya and Riya says, "I need to tell you something important but before you say anything can you please listen to everything I have to say," Prachi was shocked to hear Riya say please but she nods her head and Riya says, tears brimming her eyes at the thought of each and every time she hurt her own sister, her own blood, " From since you came to Dehli everything bad that's happened to you, the diamond necklace robbery, the food poisoning, the drug case, the Diwali incident, the MMS, the 10 Lakh rupee robbery and even your accident was all done my me. I am sorry and I know sorry doesn't mean much but I am truly sorry. I did this all because I was jealous, first dad loved you so much that I thought he loved you more than me and then Ranbir starting loving you too. In fact I even gave Ranbir a bet to make your heart break but that didn't work as he loved you instead, though he didn't know it at the time he agreed to my bet, I would've never made your MMS because dad loved you. I made it because I thought it would make Ranbir hate you, but I was wrong as he believed you and then I decided to blame you for the 10 Lakh rupee robbery so that everyone in the family would hate you but then dad and Ranbir proved you innocent again. Then finally when, I could not think of any other way to separate you and Ranbir so I decided to have you m..mur..murder..murdered and frame it as an accident. I know that was very wrong, I feel ashamed even thinking about it now. You may be wondering why I'm telling you all this but it's because I heard Buji saying that she's using me to hurt you so that she can get revenge from your mother who is actually, our mother. I'm not going to call you Prachi Di for I've lost that right by doing all this with you. I know forgiveness is too much to ask for but if you can please forgive and if you can't then please punish me, please," endless tears are running down both hers and Prachi's cheeks.

Riya is about to fall down on her knees and beg for forgiveness but Prachi stops her from falling down and says, with tears and a smile, "I forgive you Riya, you are my sister and from your words it is not you but your upbringing that is fault here and I'm not talking about Baba's upbringing, I'm talking about Buji's upbringing, our elder sister, who is still alive told me that Buji has done many evil things in her life but I refused to agree until today, as your words just prove that Buji has not changed one bit, but if Buji comes to know that you know her true colours then she will surely do something to separate our family again and take her so-called revenge from Maa, which is why I have plan to keep Maa and our family safe (the plan was muted)." Okay, Prachi Di," Riya says and leaves after giving her sister a tight hug. Prachi too leaves for her lecture.

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