Living Room Discussion

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"Yes, it is," She turned to me and realized hit her. I wasn't looking at my entry room, I was looking at her.

She turned away, and began blushing furiously. I smiled and stepped up so I was next to her. "Want a tour?" She looked at me and nodded yes. I took her hand and led her through a set of cream doors. We entered my living room. The cream reflecting the shining lights from above. Soft couches, and chairs were laid across the large room.

Hermione paused for a moment, then took a deep breath and stepped in. Wonder flooded her face and she asked me, "I know it's rude but how did you afford this house?" I chuckled and replied "I'm the head doctor at Mungose, did you think they don't pay well?" She turned at me opened her mouth then closed it with a shut, I was going to ask what she was about to say when there was a nock on the doorframe.


I turned to see a familiar dark eyed Slytherin. "Blaise!" Draco yelled across the room, he had a frightening expression on his face. He seemed to be trying and failing to fight his frustration with a horrifying expression.

This causes me to look at him with concern "Hermione this is Blaise Zabini! My roommate who will be moving out in two days!" Blaise smiled and waved at me, I did the same back at him. Then he bounded off the wall he had been leaning against, and took a few steps forward until he was standing a few feet away from me. And only one from Draco who seemed to be ready to ponce.

I inched myself in front of Draco, and gave Blaise a nervous smile, which he returned. Draco to blind by jealousy, didn't see this and went on sending Blaise death stares. "Uh yeah, I will be?" questioned Blaise, he obviously did not think he would have to move out so soon. Draco just nodded, and seemed to be sending a message to Blaise because a few seconds later he dashed out of the room saying that he had some packing to do.


When Blaise finally left, I silently sighed a sigh of relief. I turned to Hermione who was looking at me with a puzzled expression, I smiled and it seemed to relax her. "Draco, I have something to tell you," Her expression seemed too dull, and she placed herself down on a chair.

I could tell something was wrong and I knew that as a good future husband I had to try to help. So I sat down next to her and made sure that I had all my attention on her. Hermione took a quaky breath in, and a quaky breath out.


I sat a little straighter, did I want to tell him? Yes, I did. I guess I should start from the beginning, for Draco's sake. I turned to face him and took another deep breath. "Well it all started in early December, when I got a letter from my mother telling me to come home for Christmas early. At first I thought it was just them wanting to see me more, but when I got there they started acting weird and they were always out."

I took a pause if I continued I wouldn't be able to stop, but I needed to tell someone. I looked at Draco, he was looking at me almost softly as though trying to make me feel comfortable. I whipped away an incoming tear and began, once more.


She had stopped for a moment and I was wondering whether she would continue. But then she did, and for the next twenty minutes she told me how she was treated at home and how she wanted to run away.

I saw her start getting teary eyed and without thinking I pulled her into a hug. The moment she was in my arms I felt my world piece together. I looked down at her, but all I saw was frizzy brown hair. I smiled to myself, then I realized the pain she was going through. And I knew I had to tell the truth.

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