So I was just on stage with Jack and Jack and Johnson was caressing my thigh and back and he kissed me on the cheek a lot. I was trying so hard not to freak out. I looked retarded out there though. I was all out of tears from crying so much so it looked like I was laughing. It just looked retarded. Anyways so I'm back to backstage right now. I really didn't know what to do because I was like should I leave or stay? What? A lady walked up to me and asked me if I wanted to stay or go back to the audience area. I of course said I wanted to stay. Jack and Jack were still performing and they had to sing one more song.
I was just sitting really bored and Cody Johns came up to me and said, "Hey you wanna do something?" And I was like, "What do you have in mind?" He said that we should do some juggling with one of the inflatable balls used in the first performance. I agreed because I was really bored so me and him and Kenny were all playing around with the ball for a while. Then Kenny had to go on stage and Cody had to go back backstage. Like backstage backstage. So I sat back down bored once again. I look up and see my friends gawking over Kenny, typical. So I'm just sitting here nothing to do when all of a sudden Jake Foushee like the Jake Foushee came up to me, looked me directly in the eyes and said, "I have to pee.", and then ran off to go pee. I was so wierded out but at the same time I was like, "Holy shit Jake told me he had to pee?!", and started laughing.
Then Johnson comes back. "Hey why are you alone?", he asks. I just told him where everyone went. Since Kenny was doing his guitar I guess it was ok for Jake to leave the sound station. Anyways back to Jack. We are just sitting there on the floor when out of nowhere he just puts his arm around me. Of course I'm like freaking out because I mean come on it's Jack Johnson. "You know you aren't like most of the girls I meet.", I asked him why and he said I don't know you're just different. I was blushing like crazy at this point and he was laughing.
As soon as Kenny comes off stage, he shouts TRUTH OR DARE! Of course I'm like holy shit the famous truth or dares and I'm a part of it. I've only seen this in fanfics so I don't know how to respond. I didn't even know I agreed to it and before I know it we are all in a circle. Everyone goes until Sammy dares Jack to kiss me. "You never said where." and he kissed me half on the cheek and half on my lips and I was like hooooowowwowowowwowowowowowohoohohohwoowowowow. I was freaking out so much at this point but never showed it.
We literaly just spent the rest of the time goofing off backstage. It was fun. Every one left soon after that and I was alone. With Jack. I was just singing a little but and jack handed me his phone. "What's this for?" "Hayes wanted to meet you" I looked at the contact name and it said little Grier. I started to text him.
Me: Hey
Hayes: Jack you already said hey😑
Me: No this is the girl you wanted to talk to
Hayes: Oh I'm sorry😂😂
Me: no problemo
Hayes: so what's up
Me: Hanging out with Jack
Hayes: you know you're really pretty
Me: thanks I guess
Hayes: no I mean it like seriously you are gorgeous😘
Me: ☺☺☺
Hayes: what's your Snapchat i'll add you
Me: akobbez15
Hayes: ok hold onI waited for him to text back an a few minutes later he did.
Hayes: ok I'm back.
Me: that's good I'm bored
Hayes: why do you mean you're bored you're at a concert
Me: I know but backstage isn't as fun as you guys make it look I mean yeah it's cool hanging out with my idols but its just not what I expected
Me: not to be rude or anything
Hayes: nah you're good I wish magcon would get back together tho
Me: tell me about it😒😒
I miss that group
Hayes: I know but I mean we might be getting together again idk yet😕
Me: that's awesome!
Hayes: I know but I have to go Nash wants me i'll snap you later
Me: Nash wants you😏😏😏
Hayes: hush it beautiful
Me: I know I am💁
Hayes: bye
Me: bye😂😂I gave jack his phone back an he was looking at our convo. He started laughing and I said I know he's a funny guy but nothing compared to you.
Jack was blushing.

Digitour (true story)