I was just hanging out backstage talking to Sammy. I was waiting for Johnson to come back so I might as well kill the time.
"Do I follow you on twitter?"
"Do you want me to?"
He gave me his phone and I went on twitter and followed myself. I also had him follow me on Instagram and Vine. (Idk if he still follows me on my insta vine and twitter tho)"So Johnson seems pretty territorial about you"
"Sorry obsessive or something"
"Nah probly not I mean I'm a girl he is famous doubt it."
"Well by the way he's been acting around you I don't think that's the case."Johnson then came back with his phone and handed it to me.
"Type in your Snapchat I said I would add you"
"Kk"I took his phone and added myself.
"So Sammy could Alex and I just talk....alone?"
"Yeah sure bro" Sammy wiggled his eyebrows."So Alex tell me more about yourself."
"I am a singer I am a musician I obviously love you I play soccer and basketball I have an older brother I have a group of friends that we call HIPSTERWHALESQUAD (was that a thing when I went?) an-"
"No I mean like what you think about yourself."
"Well I occasionally get called fat and ugly but I don't care because I know I'm beautiful on the inside and out and I worked hard on this body so fat is definitely out of question."
I said that gesturing my body.
"Hahahahahahaha" he just laughed. I giggled.
"Your laugh is cute"
"So is yours"
"ALEX!?!?!?" I heard my name and started looking around.
"ALEX!?" I look up to see my friend haylee on the balcony.
"GET GAVIN!!!!!!!"
"who is that?" jack asked.
"My BÆ haylee"
"I thought I was your bae!"
"Well you are but she is my best of the best friends so she is like my girl BÆ you're my guy one."
"That's good to hear"I walked over to Gavin and told him to wave at haylee and she screamed with her friends.
"So why are you here?"
"I hurt my foot and Johnson asked if I could come onstage and hang out backstage for the whole show so of course I was like 'hells ya' and that's why I'm here"
"I saw some girls giving you looks what was that about?"
"Honestly I don't know I think they were jealous of Johnson holding my hand."
"Wow girls these days" he said flipping his imaginary hair.
"So anyways you noticed that girl on you now and she wanted me to tell you to sing her happy birthday after the show will you?"
"Yes I will"
"Thanks"I walked back behind Johnson and when I was sneaking up behind him I heard
"God that girl is amazing bro if she was older I would totally go out with her"I just mentally fangirled like what is life?
I told them to be quiet but Sammy being his normal self ratted me out."Bro behind you"
Jack turned around and hugged me.
"Hey beautiful"
"Hey handsome"
"I ship it"
"Shut up Kenny" we both said.
"Hey hey! I thought you adored me?"
"I do but I just love jack a little more"
"She's a keeper Johnson she's a keeper"
"Bro shut up""Jack I just want to say how much I love you."
"You already have though" he said laughing
"Yeah I know but I mean I don't love you because you're famous and that shit. Jack Edward Johnson I love you because you make me smile more than anyone else. you make me myself who I am today. And I love everything about you. Your hair, your personality, your smile, your laugh, just everything"He just stared at me in awe like I was the first person to ever say that. That's when it happened. Jack Edward Johnson hugged me as tight as he could and picked me up and spin me around. All he could say was
"I love you too". As he hugged me even tighter and so did I."Jack bro we go on in 10"
"Ok" he said not letting go of me.
"Jack since you added me on Snapchat do you actually think you would reply to me?"
"Of course I would. You are literally the first fan that has ever said those things to me in my years of fame."
"Well it's true"
"Well I'm glad because it made ME feel special."
"Jack if people didn't like you then why would you be here today?"
"Because gilinsky was the one that dragged me with him but I mean I wanted to go its just that gilinsky always got more attention and I always felt left out because the fans ways went to him and not me."
He then put his head down on his knees.
"Jack trust me i love you a lot more than gilinsky."
"Thanks Alex that means a lot"
"Want to know something cool?"
"Don't let this sound weird in your head but my wall is literally filled with edits of you and photoshops of you and me kissing and my locker at school my friends made it a huge edit of you and I just love you that much"
"That's not weird it's adorable. The fact that you love me that much proves that you are the best fan ever"
"Yeah but I want to be more than just a fan I want to e friends like you and jack I want to be friends with you"
"Because you have been my idol for so long. You have inspired me to write songs and you have inspired me to play more instruments in music you have inspired me to even start rapping" he laughed at that last part. "Jack it has been my dream ever since I saw you vines I knew that I had to at least be friends with you my thought was literally this. 'This guy is so much like me I have to get to know him and at least be friends' jack I literally said that to all of my friends"
"Alex I want to be friends and its great to have you as one because I know that if fans are going to hate I will come to you because I can already tell you are good at advice"
"Thanks" and we hugged again."Jack bro we are on stage in 1 minute get your ass over here"
"Coming. bye Alex well talk after this."
"Ok"With that he left. Then jake foushee walked over. He was walking back toward the entrance then looked right at me and said
"I GOTTA PEE!" I just started laughing as he cheekily smile right at me. Then I saw Kenny again."Hey Alex! where's jack?"
"He's on stage right now"
"When are you going on?"
Oh shit I forgot I was going on!
"Oh yeah I really don't know" then once they finished their song two dancers came back stage and told me to come on and sit on the stool.I can't believe I am actually on stage at jack and jacks concert.

Digitour (true story)