A Special Hideout

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"Do you think he really wrote this?"
"Yes, I'm sure... The handwriting, the way it's written... It's Didi."
Mr. and Ms. Wang were sitting at the kitchen table with Wang He Di's letter still in their shaking hands. It was Caesar who had delivered it to them nearly an hour ago.
Attached to the letter in which their son informed them that he had run away from home because he needed to disconnect from the stress of everyday life and reassured them that he was well, there was also a photograph of him wearing a swimsuit (they couldn't know that it had been Shen Yue to take it, finding the perfect angle to make him look normal size).
Ms. Wang had no doubt that he was the one who wrote it, but that didn't calm her down at all.
"Should we take it to the police and have the investigation closed? He says he will be back soon," Mr. Wang asked.
The man no longer knew what to think... He couldn't help but wonder where they had gone wrong with their son.
Why run away like that?
"Absolutely not. We will have the police analyze the letter and the investigation will not close until I get my son back here with me. We don't know if he was forced to write it by someone. We don't know where the heck he is!" his wife answered, angry.
She was exhausted... She felt that her fear and worry were devouring her.
She looked at the photograph again... Her baby looked happy, he had a beautiful beaming smile... She just hoped he was really okay.


In the afternoon, Shen Yue and Wang He Di decided to walk past the boy's parents' restaurant.
He Di wanted to see their faces, hoping that after reading his letter they would be less distressed.
Yue couldn't help but satisfy his request... She too was curious to know how they reacted.
Caesar wanted to accompany them, but he had to help his mother in their shop.
Arriving in front of the restaurant, Yue dropped her bag on purpose and bent down to pick it up.
In a moment, Ms. Wang was close to her.
"Are you all right, dear? Let me help you," she told her softly.
Shen Yue raised her head and looked at her closely... The woman's eyes were still filled with anguish, but they also looked hopeful.
"Uh, but you are Shen Yue, right?"
Yue was surprised... She didn't think she would remember her... They had only seen each other for a few moments at school.
She nodded with a shy smile.
"How are you? Come on, I'll make you something to eat... You're too thin!"
Ms. Wang didn't even wait for the girl's answer.
She took her hand and dragged her into the restaurant.
Wang He Di, hiding in Yue's jacket, smiled in amusement.
His mother was so... Confident, purposeful, loving, protective, exaggerated... She always felt the need to take care of others.
He had been away from her for a short time and he already missed her excessive cares.
"Here you are. Take a seat. Honey! There's a friend of Didi! Make her your special dish!" Ms. Wang yelled after seating Shen Yue at a table.
"Sure!" Mr. Wang answered from the kitchen.
The restaurant opened later, so it was still empty.
Yue felt uncomfortable... The plan didn't include all of that. She should only see Ms. Wang when she would help her with the backpack (He Di was sure she would) and then she would have to leave.
Instead the woman took a seat in front of her, watching her with a small smile.
"Now I understand... You are even more beautiful in person" she commented.
"Excuse me?" Yue asked, confused.
Meanwhile, Wang He Di blushed heavily. Was it possible that his mother remembered the photo found in his room?
"Oh, nothing. I was just saying that you are really beautiful," Ms. Wang replied, shaking her head.
He Di thanked her mentally for not telling her anything.
"Can I ask you something?"
"Of course".
"You and my son... Are you dating?"
The boy took back the thanks in a second.
"Me and Wang He Di? Of course not!" Shen Yue exclaimed, wide-eyed.
She didn't understand how she could have drawn such a conclusion.
"Oh... Too bad... Forgive me if I'm a little nosey, dear. You know, I really miss Didi... I'm happy to have a friend of him here," Ms. Wang smiled sadly.
"I am very sorry for what you are going through, ma'am. I really hope He Di will be back soon. Although... Well, he and I are not exactly friends."
"Really? Don't you get along?" the woman asked curiously.
"Yeah," Yue sighed.
"From your expression I understand that Didi often makes you angry," Ms. Wang chuckled.
"All the time. He calls me Know-it-all, he teases me, he makes fun of me, he steals things from my school desk and hides them, he always replies rudely and... Oops, I'm sorry, I shouldn't talk about your son like that," Yue blushed.
But Ms. Wang didn't seem bothered, in fact she had a beautiful smile on her lips and sweet eyes.
"No, don't worry! I'm sorry that fool is treating you that way...
When he comes back I'll give him a good lesson, I promise," she told her.
Shen Yue smiled back and nodded.
"Here is a super potion of my specialty for this beautiful young lady!" Wang He Di's father had just joined them.
"That's a huge portion!" Yue exclaimed.
"Eat and don't compliment! Didi's friends are our friends," replied Mr. Wang.
"They're not friends," Ms. Wang corrected him, winking at Yue.

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