The Plan

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Wang He Di woke up really hungry.
He got up from the surprisingly comfortable bed in the dollhouse and looked around.
Shen Yue's tidy room was lit by sunlight coming in through the window.
He checked the clock on the wall... It was 6:30 in the morning.
In the silence, only the calm breathing of Yue could be heard... She was still asleep.
He Di climbed onto the nightstand next to the girl's bed and then, with a leap, he managed to reach her pillow.
He was in desperate need of something to eat.
The food Yue had left for him the night before was no longer good after all those hours spent out of the refrigerator.
"Shen Yue? Shen Yue?" he tried to call her several times, but she didn't hear him.
Wang He Di sighed and sat down.
"You're a heavy sleeper, huh?" he whispered.
He focused on Yue's face... All his friends at school agreed that she was the prettiest girl in the class... But he didn't. For him there was nothing pretty in that porcelain skin and those pink cheeks... Nor in those big eyes, in those very long lashes or in that delicate nose... Nor in those heart-shaped lips or in those moles that seemed to form a pattern on her face.
Shen Yue wasn't pretty.
She was just the annoying Know-it-all of the class. She was always perfect and superior to the rest of the world.
Honestly He Di found it absurd that everyone adored her so much.
Suddenly the bedside alarm clock started ringing, scaring Wang He Di and making him fall off of the bed.
"Ouch! It hurts!" he muttered, rubbing his butt.
Shen Yue sat up with her eyes still closed and her lips pouting.
Her long dark hair was puffy and disheveled.
He Di burst out laughing.
"If I could only take a picture of you right now, I'd hang it all over the school," he teased.
Yue opened her eyes slightly and turned to him.
Without saying a word, she put a finger to her lips and gestured for silence.
"Hey! How rude! Not even a Good morning?!" He Di snapped.
"Shhh" she silenced him again.
"Don't shut me up! Rather, I'm hungry. Know that I'm used to having an Italian breakfast... My parents have lived there for years. I would like two slices of toast with butter and strawberry jam and a cappuccino."
Shen Yue got out of bed, smoothed her hair a bit, and then walked out of the room, leaving the door open.
He Di's eyes widened.
How dare she ignore him like that?!
He wanted to follow her, but he feared her parents were in the house.
"Hey! Can I come too?!" he asked her from afar.
Yue nodded, so he ran to get to her.
"Isn't anyone home? It's very early... What work do your parents do?"
No answer yet.
At that point the girl stopped short and knelt down to look He Di in the face.
"Rule number one: Don't. Talk. To. Me. In. The. Morning," she said.
"But I..."
"Arrrrgh! I want to throw you out the window!" Yue exclaimed, rubbing her temples.
"You have a really bad temper, you know?" He Di snorted.
Shen Yue leaned over and reached out to him.
"Go up" she muttered.
After a moment's hesitation, Wang He Di jumped on Yue's hand and let the girl sit him on the kitchen table.
"So? My breakfast?"
"No Italian breakfast for today," Yue replied.
"But I NEED it!"
"And I NEED you to shut up for five minutes. Better 10. An hour would be ideal, actually."
He Di snorted and looked around... The kitchen was huge... And no, it wasn't just that he was tiny... It was really big!
Trying not to kill himself, he slid down grabbing a table leg like a fireman.
He scoured the house... It had a very modern and bright style.
It was definitely different from his modest little house on the outskirts.
"So you're rich... I should have guessed it. All rich people are nasty," he commented once back in the kitchen.
"You should learn not to judge people without even knowing them. You don't know anything about me," Yue replied.
"I say what I see".
The girl rolled her eyes and put He Di back on the table, where she had prepared a mini portion of baozi for him.
"I hate steamed buns," muttered Wang He Di.
"I don't care. Just eat. Here's today's plan: we're going to school and you're going to take the lessons in my backpack. Yesterday we left school around 5pm, right? So at that time we'll go to the yard and I'll try to get you back as before. If it doesn't work we'll think of another solution" Yue explained practically.
He Di nodded and she suppressed a laugh as she saw the grimaces on his face as he ate his portion of baozi.
"And now let's move on to the rules. I really hope our plan works today, but if it doesn't and you decide to really stay here, you'll have to follow this list..."
Shen Yue took a paper and a pencil from a kitchen drawer and began to write in her perfect handwriting.
"1. As I said before: it is forbidden to talk to me in the morning. From the moment I wake up, you will have to wait at least half an hour before speaking to me.
2. Don't let my parents see you.
3. Don't bother me while I study.
4. We go to sleep at ten o'clock.
5. In the morning we'll leave the house at 7:30. I don't tolerate being late for school.
6. If you break something in the dollhouse you will have to pay me back. And keep it clean.
7. I hate your pranks. At the first prank against me I swear I'll throw you out of the house.
8. Poo and pee in the pot. Tell me when you'll need so I leave the room.
9. Don't touch anything in my room.
10. Be kind. "

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