Chapter 5 Our own world

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(I decided on not writing about the activities that went on in the WindBlume Festival, as I was not able to do it, and because it might not work with Klee (She is a young kid, to begin with...) Other than that, this will be a more calming chapter, if I do say so myself, enjoy)

TW: Just an FYI... Uh... this may lead to becoming Angst (Just a little, this is mostly fluff, ok?) ... Uh... I'm just going to leave these spare tissue boxes... right here... Uh... Enjoy?

When the three arrived in Mondstat, Klee ended up playing with Diona. So, it ended up being just the two. Which were, of course, Albedo and Kaeya.




"Are you sure we should let Klee play with Diona?... Last time I remember, she and her went to Dawn Winery, just so they could burn it down..."

"Don't worry Albedo~ Things should be fine... I hope..."




"Since it's just the two of us... uh... do you want to... maybe go to the library or something like that?"

Albedo gave a small smile. But it was a smile, that had a nice meaning to it.

"That sounds like a good idea. Let us go Kaeya"


The two boys (Gentlemen?) walked side by side, heading up to the library. Once they reached the top of the steps, they headed into the headquarters. Turning to the direction of where the library was.

Only to bump into Lisa...


"My, my, what are you two boys doing here? I thought you two might've wanted to give a go at the Windblume Festival?"

"Well, you see-

Lisa ended up cutting Kaeya and jumped straight into questioning him instead...

"Is there something going on between the two of you? Because I must say... You two do seem cute together~"

"Ah well... It is nice that you see us this way Lisa, but I am afraid that would not be the case. I think you are mistaken, as we cannot assume things that have not or will not be happening anytime soon"

Oof... That was one HUGE, hit... Straight into Kaeya's poor heart.


Could see that...

"My, my... Albedo, there is no need to sound nor talk like that. Moreover...I think you should explain your ways.... to Kaeya... As he is the one who should be told this. Not, me..."

As Lisa pointed at Kaeya, to make her point more obvious.

"Yes well... Don't you need to do some book finding Lisa?"

Lisa... took that as quite an offence...

"I do Albedo... And I must say... do be careful of your words... For I'm not quite sure how talking more... will make this better"

"Yes well, I don't think standing here talking endlessly will do any good as well"

Like that, Lisa walked off... leaving a trail of silent, purple, sparking-like fury...


"Uh... Albedo are you alright?"

"Why yes, thank you for asking Kaeya, I am just fine"


While the two had entered the library, it was awfully quiet. Made sense though. As it was the Windblume Festival, everyone was bound to be having some kind of fun. However, in this case... It was not only just pure awkward, but more of, a little sad.

On Kaeya's part that is.

Tick tock...

Tick tock.

Tick... Tock...

For a moment...

Time felt as if it was still.

It was. It was silent. It was odd... In some way, a little comforting.

While Kaeya was looking down in a (random) book, he didn't realise that Albedo came down the stairs to find him.

(Kaeya was on the lower level of the library, while Albedo was on the top for that moment. Those that play the game will understand what I mean)



"Hmm? Oh! Albedo... uh, is there something you need?"

"I was just wondering..."


Albedo took in a small but deep breath. It staggered slightly...

"Something up Albedo-

Albedo cut him off quickly.

"I hope you don't hate me..."


"About... What I said earlier..."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"I mean exactly that Kaeya... You might not have realised... but, I recalled you seemed to be in down spirits, the moment I was answering Lisa's so-called 'funny' question..."


"I could tell..."

"You... could tell what?"

Albedo took in another breath, this time it was sturdy and a little more longer than the first breath.

"What I'm trying to say Kaeya... I noticed from the very beginning..."


Albedo could sense Kaeya's lie and unintentionally acting of just playing dumb...

"You're in love with me..."


This time Kaeya didn't speak... He just kept his head down, giving the signal that he was listening to Albedo.

"I... I've never known... That for someone such as yourself... fell... in love with me... My question is... why?"


In that moment, Kaeya pulled Albedo into a hug, he buried his face, deep within Albedo's neck. Taking in a stuttering breath.

"T-There is no why... Only us... I m-mean... Only if y-you want... I-I won't force you... so I can only ask... I-I won't beg... but hear me out..."

"I'm listening... what is it that you want to-



Kaeya let the waterworks happen. It felt as though something was going to happen any minute if he looked back up at Albedo.

It's strange, is what Albedo thought. The very highly confident man right in front of him. Who goes by the name Kaeya Alberich... He not only let his walls fall and crumble...

But he also seems to be in love with Albedo. The man could be with anyone, yet this was the true real Kaeya... He made his answer, he wanted to be with Albedo, and now all he asks is that Albedo will give him a chance.

The question is, will Albedo give him a chance?




(Man, I love the random drama so far... Anyone else feel me here? - Rei)

Chalk and Mocha (Albedo x Kaeya) by Rei00135Where stories live. Discover now