Chapter 45: Busy schoolmaster

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Song Yu slept a little late yesterday, and now he is woken up, in a very bad mood.

So when I opened my eyes, it was cold and irritable.

He looked at the person who awakened him like a knife.

The **** also noticed, tilting his head to look at Song Yu, his eyes narrowed slightly.

Seeing that Song Yu was dressed in school uniforms and looked delicate and thin again, he grinned at the corner of his mouth, put his legs down, stood up and said maliciously: "Hey, transfer student, discuss something with you."

Song Yu rubbed his eyebrows with his hands, his expression gloomy.

The classmate in front of him, whose eyes were as red as a rabbit, sucked his nose and kept crying, and was squatting down to pick up a book.

In the last classroom, most of them are unlearned teenagers, who can't afford to provoke them and can only pretend not to see them.

The gangsters jumped over the wall all year round and skipped classes and surfed the Internet. They were addicted to games and didn't hear things outside the window. Naturally, they didn't know that Jingcheng No. 1 Middle School had a new school bully, nor did they know Song Yu. Only if he is a bully. After passing by, he pressed his hand on Song Yu's desk, and snorted twice: "After the exam, take care of my brother, I will pass one of the questions you write, or we can just change the paper. I think you are too long. It's not like a silly, you should understand what I mean."

Song Yu twitched the corner of his mouth, raised his head slightly, his eyes mocking, and his voice was cold: "But I think you look like a fool."

The gangster was taken aback, his face sank suddenly, and he was angry, and he stretched out his hand to grab Song Yu's collar: "I don't think you need to take the test for a toast."

Song Yu grabbed his wrist and yanked him forward, then kicked him to his knees, kicking him to the ground.

The bastard's eyes widened and he couldn't move.

Song Yu pressed his head expressionlessly, and pointed the other finger at the books and stationery on the ground, with a cold voice: "Pick it up and wipe it clean. I will screw your head off."

His actions are too domineering and handsome. Let the group of people in the classroom who dared not speak.

The sunlight fell through the glass on the light-colored hair of the teenager, and the whole person was transparent and clean, with a magnificent momentum.

Someone in the classroom recognized him: "Brother Yu!"

Suddenly there were more whispers.

"That's Brother Yu?"

"...Damn, real people are really so handsome?"

The little boy who was crying so much was stunned. After the thick spectacles, he was jealous like a rabbit and looked at Song Yu.

The **** knelt on the ground and felt his knees fall apart, knowing that he had gotten a sting, his prestige was gone, and he was so scared. With trembling hands, he picked up the book on the floor, wiped it off his clothes, and returned it to others.

He limped and sat down on the table dingy like a bereaved dog.

The people in the classroom sucked in air-conditioning, and sighed that Yu Ge was terrified.

Holding the stationery box in his hand, the little boy timidly said, "Thank you."

Song Yu's sleepiness was almost dissipated, and he rubbed his eyes, without the hostility, and said, "No, it's the school tyrant's responsibility to punish the evil and promote the good."

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