Chapter 59: Love you is instinct

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Song Yu was furious: "No, I mean you just now, why..."

My head is stuck, why what? Why stick your tongue in? Fuck! How do you ask the exit!

He was in the dark, unable to vent his panic. Taking a breath, almost angered himself.

Xie Sui was very close to him and clearly felt Song Yu's confused breathing.

The air is slightly hot, you don't need to guess that he blushes.

The eyes of the young man in the dark were round and surprisingly bright, filled with annoyance and anger.

Xie Sui smiled and asked, "What and why?"

Song Yu, who has countless people on weekdays, is knotted in his tongue at this moment, and he stumbles for a long time to find no words to express.

Before he died of depression, he broke the can to pieces, thinking that no one could see anyone now when the power was cut off, and asked: "No, why are you, tongue, why are you like that......"

In fact, his brain is messed up now, and he doesn't know what he wants to say.

Xie Sui made him addicted, changed the subject and laughed: "Did you eat mint?"

Song Yu's confused thoughts were interrupted: "Huh?"

Xie Sui said lightly: "It's weird."

Song Yu: "......"

Oh shit.

He felt that his ears must be red now.



The cat broke free of Ma Xiaoding's hand and jumped onto Song Yu's lap, triumphantly, but he felt the killing intent before he stood still, and the cat stiffened.

"It's you, right."

Song Yu almost found a punching bag, gritted his teeth, grabbed its body directly, and slammed hard.

What a broken cat!

It's okay to run around in the middle of the night!

"Meow——!!!" The internet cafe thought of the cat's miserable cry.

At this time, everyone only felt the top of their heads shine.

The internet cafe is calling.

"Fuck me! Is this fixed?"

The boss scolded and walked in from the outside: "It's either the construction team's pot or the trip."

Everyone cheered in the Internet cafe.

"Great! I'm afraid of missing qualifying time!"

"Hurry up, hurry up!"

On the corner of the Internet cafe, Ma Xiaoding and a group of people, who were frightened by the cat, were a little silent after the call.

Everyone looked at each other, either you pressed me or I held you, the chair turned over, the keyboard fell off, and the scene was very embarrassing.

Ma Xiaoding was the most culprit, and was quickly beaten.

Everyone took the keyboard and typed, angrily: "What the **** are you screaming! I'm scared to death!"

Ma Xiaoding held his head, admitting that he was at a loss, and could only divert the firepower: "Don't fight, don't fight, you go and fight that cat, it should be the best one."

Everyone remembered to look for the **** cat, angrily put the keyboard away, their eyes were chaotic, and they noticed Song Yu and Xie Sui.

Then collectively stunned.

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