Chapter 100: Never forget (1)

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The voice fell to his ears affectionately. Song Yu felt like electrocuted. After a few seconds, his pupils widened, and he silently moved his phone aside.

Xie Sui looked at him amused.

Song Yu's ears were red, he coughed, and his face remained unchanged: "That's all in the past. I think it's late, it's time to go to bed, what do you think?"

Xie Sui stared at him and slowly said, "I think so."

Song Yu exhaled.

He just put the phone and planned to close his eyes, Just listen to Xie Sui lazily asking, "How does it feel to be a boyfriend?"

Song Yu felt completely drowsy.

"......" So sure enough, I still know. It must be a group of people who are not busy. He should have been embarrassed at first, but the more he heard this, the more funny he felt.

After thinking about it for a long time, he amused himself first, and replied: "It's okay, don't be wronged." After speaking with a nasty voice: "Go to sleep!"

Xie Sui smiled, turned to him and closed his eyes.

Song Yu's cell phone was still flashing Ma Xiaoding's message crazily, but he didn't want to return it anymore and put the cell phone away.

Today, he said things all at once, and felt like a big rock had fallen completely in his heart.

Song Yu rolled over twice, rolled, and faced Xie Sui. Lying on their sides, the two are facing each other.

Song Yu blinked, and began to count Xie Sui's eyelashes through the faint moonlight through the curtains.

Only halfway through the count, Xie Sui suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes were dark and deep, he seemed to sigh helplessly, kissed his forehead, and quietly said, "Stop making trouble, sleep."

Song Yu laughed out loud.

The good night kiss seems to have a good night function.

He also closed his eyes obediently.

When Song Yu woke up, it was nine o'clock the next day, and his dad's call on his cell phone was about to blow up.

Song Yu rubbed his eyes: "Come back, what are you urging?"

In the morning, the driver sent by the Song family to pick up Song Yu was driven away, and Xie Sui said he would personally send him off. To put it bluntly, it means to visit in person.

Dad Song was so angry that he cursed for a long time, hating iron for not being a steel: "Long dim eyes, don't be sold and help count money."

Song Yu decided to correct his thoughts: "Dad, I'm a minor now, and the world is not as dirty and complicated as middle-aged men like you think--hey! Don't hang on!"

Toot toot, there is only busy tone on the phone.

The new year is approaching, and after a few sunny days, city a began to snow again. Xie Sui accompanied Song Yu home. The most pleasant surprise was Song Wanying. She was still feeding the parrots. When the two came in, her eyes lighted up, so she didn't care about the bird.

The stuff in her hand was stuffed directly into the cage, enthusiastically: "Oh, you brought friends back."

Song Yu hasn't spoken yet.

Mother Song came out of the kitchen with a plate of small cakes: "you finally came home. Your dad kept talking about it last night. I don't know what he did." Mother Song has time to stay at home today. She followed the nanny to learn how to make cookies and small cakes. When she came out and saw Xie Sui, her pace stopped suddenly, her pupils staring and stunned.

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