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Layla Emerson was broken. She was a shell of the person she once was. Layla loved Vance with all of her being and now he was gone. Layla was devasted, but she was also angry. Angry at herself for letting Bruce talk to her, angry at herself for not fighting for Vance harder, and angry at herself for not walking away from Bruce.

Layla couldn't bring herself to get out of bed. All she could do was lay in bed, cry, and eventually fall asleep. After a few days of doing this, her mother finally forced her to get out of bed.

"Layla, honey, you need to get up and go to school. I know it hurts, but you've missed too much time."

Layla groaned and rolled over in bed. Maria Emerson sighed and ripped the sheets off of her daughter.

"That wasn't a suggestion."

"Mom, please!" She said, tearing up.

"It'll be good for you to get out of your room, sweetheart. Come on, get up."


"Layla, get up."

As Layla started to sob, her mother sat down on the bed beside her and rubbed her hair comfortingly, "I know, sweetheart. I know."


Billy drove Layla to school and his heart ached for his little sister. Layla couldn't be bothered to brush her hair, or even really put on an outfit. She wore one of Billy's old hoodies and some old sweatpants; something she would normally only wear around the house. Her face was pale and puffy from crying so much, and her hair was thrown up into a very messy bun. There were no two ways around it; Layla looked like shit. As the two pulled into the school parking lot, Layla sighed shakily.

"Just try to tough it out for today, okay? If it gets too bad I can come and pick you up early."

Layla looked at her brother blankly, "Why are you being so nice to me?"

"Because I know this sucks. And you need someone to be here for you."

Layla smiled softly at her brother, then shut the car door and walked into the school. As she walked in, everyone was staring at her. Layla couldn't bother to worry about it or care. She got her books out of her locker and made her way to first period. When Layla sat down, she had to hold herself back from crying when she realized that she had that class with Vance. Layla waited and waited for Vance's arrival, but it never came.

Second and third period came and went and so did lunch; still no sign of him. Layla trudged her way into fourth period and felt a little excited. She hoped she would finally get to see Vance. Her hopes were crushed, however. Layla sat at her usual spot, but the mop of blonde hair that typically accompanied her was, once again, nowhere to be found.

Suddenly, Layla felt the seat beside her move. She jumped up in excitement, but it was quickly diminished when she realized who it was.

"Go away, Bruce."

"I'm sorry, Layla," He said softly. She didn't reply. Bruce lightly grabbed her hand to get her attention and Layla ripped her hand away from him.

"Don't fucking touch me."

"Just let me be here for you. It's all my fault-"

"Yes. It is your fault. Vance thinks I cheated on him because of you."

"I'm sorry, okay? Just let me make it up to you."

"You can't. Unless you can get Vance to take me back for your fuck up."

"Why do you even want to be with him? He's not a good person, Layla."

"He was to me!" She said, eyes tearing up, "He treated me better than anyone has in my entire life. And it's your fault he's gone."

"Let me fix it, please."

"No. Get the hell away from me."

Bruce looked at the girl for a minute, before reluctantly getting up and going back to his regular seat. The rest of the class period drug on and when the bell finally rang, ending the school day, Layla practically ran out of the classroom out to the parking lot. In her haste, she saw Vance.

"Vance!" She yelled.

He visibly tensed at her voice, and immediately started walking faster.

"Vance, wait!" She yelled, but he practically ran away from her.

Layla stopped in her tracks and sighed sadly. He was totally avoiding her.

"Hey, you alright?"

Layla groaned and whipped around, but softened when she realized who it was.

"Oh, hey, Robin."

"I heard what happened... You doin' alright?" He asked.

Tears began to fall and she shook her head, "No..."

Robin encompassed the girl in a hug and she sobbed into his chest. He rubbed her back comfortingly, "It's okay. It's gonna be okay."

After Layla calmed down some, Robin leaned back and smiled softly at her, "How about I take you out to dinner? My treat? It'll make you feel better. Milkshakes and chocolate cake always make me feel better, at least."

Layla laughed a little and wiped her face, "You know what? Yeah. It would."


we are nearing the end :,)

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