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"Do you think Vance will take me back now that he knows the truth? What we did to Bruce is being talked about all over school," Layla asked Robin.

Robin took a bite of his apple, "I dunno."

"You're no help," She groaned.

"He might, you could always try," Finney said.

"Yeah, but how the hell can I get him to talk to me? He skips all the classes we have together and if he sees me he practically sprints the other way."

"Could show up at his house?" Finney suggested.

"He couldn't run away from you like a little bitch that way," Robin said.

Layla smacked his arm lightly, "Don't be an ass."

"He hurt you, I don't like him," Robin shrugged.

"You never liked him to begin with, Robin," Finney laughed.

"That's beside the point," Robin dismissed, "I don't think you should go back to him. But, I know how happy he made you and how much you care about him. It doesn't hurt to try."

Layla pursed her lips in thought. If she didn't do anything, she might regret it for the rest of her life. But if she did do something, she could get Vance back.

"I think I'll go talk to him after school. Who knows, if I don't I might regret it."

The two boys nodded at her and then continued to eat their lunch. Layla couldn't eat anymore. She was too anxious and nervous about what was to come.


Layla wrung her hands together in anticipation as she walked to Vance's house. What if he cussed her out? What if he had another girl over? What if he punched her? He'd done it before no problem.

By the time she finally made her way to his house, she was about ready to talk herself out of doing it. She was so anxious she could've gotten sick.

Layla exhaled, "Okay, Layla. You've got this. You did nothing wrong, remember? Just make him believe that."

Layla knocked on Vance's door and after a minute or so, the mop of blonde hair she loved so much opened the door. Before she could even say anything though, he grunted and slammed the door in her face. Layla knocked again, but nothing happened.

"Vance, come on, please!"

"Go the fuck away!"

"Just hear me out!"

"Fuck off!"

"Vance!" She said, knocking on the door adamantly.

She heard stomping and soon enough he whipped the door open again, "What the fuck do you want?!"

"Just listen, okay? Just hear what I have to say and if you think it's bullshit? Fine, whatever. Just please, hear me out."

Vance huffed and crossed his arms, "Whatever gets you to leave me the fuck alone."

"I swear to God, I did not cheat on you with Bruce."

Vance growled and went to shut his door, but Layla put her hand against it so he wasn't able to.

"Look, I knew he was being weird, but I truly did not think he was doing what you thought he was. He kept telling me all he wanted was to be friends with me. And he kept saying you were being controlling and possessive," She said and Vance clenched his fists in anger, "But..."

"But what?" He seethed.

"Robin took me out to the diner the other night to try and cheer me up and I heard Bruce talking to his friends about how he wanted to have sex with me. That the whole reason he broke us up was because he thought I'd be an easy lay."

Vance scoffed, "I fuckin' told you."

"And when you saw him hugging me? He did it to purposefully piss you off. He knew you were around and could tell I didn't know. No bullshit, seconds before you came over to us I was telling him that I couldn't be friends with him anymore. I swear, Vance. I would never cheat on you, I love you too much."

Vance looked at the girl with an unreadable expression. She grabbed the necklace Vance got her from under her hoodie, "Even after you dumped me I never took it off. Ever."

"That's pretty pathetic," Vance said.

"Pathetic or not, I never took it off, Vance. I love you. I want to be with you, I can't stand being without you. These past couple weeks have been fucking awful."

"You should've listened to me."

"And I knew you were right! I did. I just wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt because I thought you were just being an asshole."

Vance rolled his eyes, "I'm an asshole but I know what I'm fuckin' talking about."

"Please, Vance. I'm so so sorry. I... I can't be without you anymore. Please."

Vance looked at the girl for a minute. She was standing there on his front doorstep in the freezing cold begging for him back. A few months ago, he would've said fuck that, laughed in her face and slammed the door on her. But now? He couldn't help but feel happy that someone actually wanted him that badly.

"I swear to God, you better not be lyin' to me."

"Never! Maybe about if your hair looks good, but never about something like this."

Vance cracked a small smile and opened his arms. Layla immediately ran and engulfed him in the tightest hug possible. Vance hugged her tightly back and sighed.

"You're stubborn as hell. You're lucky I love ya," He mumbled and kissed her forehead.

"Vance, I am so sorry. I swear, I never did anything wrong to you. I t-told him we couldn't be friends..." She sobbed into his chest.

"I know, baby," He soothed.

Layla looked up at him and smiled widely, "I missed you so much. I felt so empty without you."

"I know how you feel," He smiled sadly.

Vance grabbed the girl by her cheeks and kissed her sweetly. They both sighed happily into the kiss. There was no one else for Layla Emerson and Vance Hopper. All they needed were each other. As cliche as it sounded, they were meant to be; forever.


aaaaand that's a wrap! this is my first ever book, so i hope it's alright! thank you so much for every vote and every comment. i appreciate it from the bottom of my heart and seeing y'all's comments made my day. thank you so much for reading and following their journey together :)

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