Chapter Six

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Juvia's POV

Gray-Sama took a tighter grip on my hand when he spotted Lyon in the distance. As we walked up to Lyon I could see him and Gray-Sama exchanging looks but it ended up with them giving each other death glares.
"What's this? Are you together now?" A flash of worry went over his face.
"As a matter of fact we are!" Gray-Sama stared him down till Lyon almost fell over.
"Oh.. ok, I-I should be going" Lyon walked off sadly with his head drooping.
I looked at Gray-Sama with astonishment, for I never knew he had such a protective side to him. "Oh Gray-Sama! I love you," I hugged him as tight as I could but then quickly released when I realized he couldn't breathe.
He rubbed the back of his neck, blushing a little shade of pink. "hehe, I love you too."

As we got on to the train we noticed Lucy and the poor thing, Natsu lying on lucy's lap, very sick from motion sickness. We went and sat beside them, I just stared at Lucy I don't know why but I've always thought she had a thing for Gray-Sama but it's slightly agitating knowing that all these years I was mad at her for being a love rival when it's so obviously clear she loves Natsu. I then noticed Lucy waving a hand in front of my eyes.
"Hellloooo, Juvia? Are you okay?" Lucy worried.
"Oh, sorry Lucy, Juvia was just thinking about some things," I hope she didn't think I was still mad at her.
"It's ok, I'm just glad your alright." Lucy reassuringly rubbed my arm.

~time skip 1 hour~

Lucy's POV

I had to practically drag Natsu off the train, poor guy. As I waved to Gray and Juvia, Natsu finally got up and we started walking towards the town. It was 11pm so we decided to stay the night in the town before we headed off on our journey. As we walked into our room, my mouth dropped, apparently the lady at the front desk thought we couple and we only have one bed.

"Uh-uh-I uh," I studdered, barely getting words out of my mouth,
"N-Natsu can you uh s-sleep on er t-the couch, please?" I shuddered at the thought of sleeping in the same bed as him not just because it's weird but because I've recently realized my feelings for him.
"Aww, come on, no fair I want the bed!" Natsu almost pouted like a child.
"No! Natsu you're sleeping on the couch!" I pouted back. It was then that I realized that Gray and Juvia were in the room right next to us and man, were the walls thin, and I'm sure Natsu herd them to, we could hear everything they were saying which was mostly just Juvia politely telling Gray to put his clothes back on, poor Juvia, she always has to deal with Gray's crazy habit of stripping for no reason. I sighed and looked at Natsu who had actually agreed to sleep on the couch and set down his pillow. "Hey Natsu you wanna go get some ice cream?" I was really craving ice cream for some reason, normally it's the food I eat when I'm nervous, then again I was a little more nervous then I should be around Natsu. Most the time I don't get nervous around him, but lately I have been.

Natsu's POV

As Lucy and I walked out of our room I heard Gray make some comment about me being so dense, that made me really angry but I didn't wanna barge into his room because I really wanted ice cream. I grabbed Lucy and I some ice cream and then sat beside her. "Here, Luce" I'm the only one that calls her Luce she hates it when someone else calls her that.

"Thanks Natsu" Lucy gave me her signature smile, I've always loved her smile it's so cute, I mean I like her smile hehe, what's going on, ever since Gray told me that Luce and I are perfect together I keep thinking about her non-stop, it's really weird.
"Hey, Natsu you alright?"
I finished my icecream and smiled, "Ya, I'm alright just tired." I wasn't, but I wasn't about to tell her I was thinking about her.
"Ok let's go back to the room then," she looked kinda worried, wait, is she really worried about me, I smiled at the thought.
"What are you smiling about?" She asked as she unlocked our room.
"W-what? oh, uh nothing." she looked at me quizzically, then sat on the bed I sat next to her and was about to say something when we herd Juvia.
"Ya, Juvia thinks so too, Lucy most definitely likes Natsu," I glanced at Lucy and saw her face turn beet red, and then I felt my face start to get hot.
"Natsu is so thick skulled that he doesn't even realize it, plus they're obviously perfect together."
My face started to turn a deep shade of red, and I felt as tho my stomach was going to explode. I saw Lucy glance at me and I felt my face getting hotter.
"Juvia thinks Natsu likes Lucy too, maybe he just doesn't realize it." I felt my face turn the same colour as Erza's hair and Lucy looked as though she was going to pass out, "well, enough talk about flame boy, lets go to bed" but the damage was done, Lucy and I were sitting side by side, faces beet red and hot, not daring to look at one another.
"I-uh -we-should uh -let's uh go-to er bed." I managed to slowly studder out, she nodded and I walked over to the couch and lay down, I saw Lucy was already changed and in bed but her face was still beet red, as red as her face was she's still pretty, and maybe what Juvia said was true, maybe I do like Luce. I shook my head and fell asleep, about an hour and a half later I woke up. I looked over at Lucy and saw that she was having a bad dream, I didn't dare wake her up so I lay beside her and rubbed her arm, which to my surprise actually made her calm down a little, she started smiling. "Natsu.. " I glared at her, I thought maybe she woke up and saw me but then she said it again, "Natsu..." I blushed a little and wrapped my arm around her, and she rolled over and snuggled her head into my chest I blushed even harder and smiled, I rested my head on hers for a bit with every intention to go back to the couch, but soon enough I drifted asleep.

Lucy's POV

I woke up to feel something warm against me I snuggled towards it, but then my eyes shot open, I looked and saw it was Natsu and didn't know what to do I was blushing ferociously and Natsu's arms were wrapped around my body, I felt Natsu stir and quickly closed my eyes but then noticed he was still asleep, I tried to wiggle away but he just pulled me closer I tried even harder to pull away but it was no use, I tried once more to pull away. "Luce.. don't leave..." Natsu stirred a little pulling me closer. I blushed one thousand times worse, did he just say L-Luce? I couldn't believe that Natsu had said my name in his sleep, and then, there it was, "I love you Luce.." Natsu wrapped his arms around me tighter I could feel his warm breath against my neck, I started muttering to myself "this is not happening.. this is not happening.. this is a dream, Natsu didn't say I love you, I'm just hearing things, Natsu didn't say it I am against his chest with him sleeping but he didn't say I love yo-"
"What was that Luce?" I noticed Natsu had woken up he was still half asleep and didn't notice he was sleeping right next to me, but he was looking at me.
"Uh-I uh nothing." I felt so stupid now he's going to know that I didn't care that he was holding me, I actually liked it though.
His eyes shot open, "I-I'm so s-sorry Luce I-uh I was just er" he struggled. I didn't know what I was thinking but all I said was "I know," I then rested my head into his chest and hoped to death that this was a dream.

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