Chapter 1. Mischievous Nobody

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Lillian sat under the cherry blossom tree writing and drawing in her diary as she hummed, she was wearing a light yellow skirt, light orange sweater, light yellow Leather boots (also platform boots that arent 7ft tall), orange french hat and her hair was in a braid with colourful flowers in it.

She got up and walked to a cliff with a few birch trees surrounding it, she was on a small island at the moment that she called "Blossom Cliff". Once she got to the edge of the cliff she took out a flute she kept in her light orange side bag. She started to play it as huge mammals called Bloodust's that have six feathery wings, no eyes, huge claws, tough big body's, 8 long horns and sharp scales came upwards from below the cliff. They're mainly the colour lavender with purple dots scattering their body. And, if they had eyes they'd be blue eyes, yet one was her Bloodust and it was white with beautiful black dots. His name was Miru.

Lillian hopped on her Bloodust pretty quickly as she calmly put her stuff in her bag. While all the dragons went above the clouds. Lillian smiled and hummed as she smelled the scent of rain, it calmed her. She soon arrived to where Raven lived, a male demon who loves the rain and is very good at dancing, so he attends many kingdom dances. He wears a black straw hat, fantasy samurai armour, same boots as Lillian but black and he has a katana on the right side of his waist (facing him). Lillian hopped off Miru and hugged Raven as Miru played with Raven's Shapah (named Fossil) which is a medium sized, slim body mammal that's wings are as tough as iron and smooth as ice. It has 7 claws each hand/paw, 28 large pointy horns, and jagged scales. The colour they are born in is blue to black with hazel eyes as Raven has a black one with purplish eyes. Raven lives on a very small island southern from a kingdom named "GoldenLock"
He also lives in a cozy cottage that has two stories, a large kitchen, and main and guest bedroom. Raven went inside as Lillian followed closely behind, they then both had some pancakes together.

Fossil and Miru started to play-fight for a stick, they growled and twirled around, you could hear their loud, long tails hit the ground and their sharp teeth dig into the stick's wood. Lillian walked out of Raven's cottage and hopped on her dragon as Raven did so too with his. They took off into the sky and were heading out to explore some new kingdoms and islands. Raven was keeping his eye out as Lillian chilled, she chuckled at Raven because of how much he keeps an eye out even in the safest of places. Raven frowned at Lillian as they flew down to Blossom Cliff, the place where Lillian always hangs out. As the two hopped off their dragons, they sat under the Blossom tree, chatting. But then, all of a sudden, a portal opened up in the sky. They looked over in fear as their dragons covered them. Someone fell out of the portal, the portal closed up once they hit the ground. A sharp gasp came from the person due to impact and severe pain. Fossil growled as Miru roared, the person got up rubbing their head and looking around, they seemed confused. They were wearing a light blue cape with a long split in the middle, tight, but light armour with blue around the edges and baby blue on the inside, yellow earrings, long puffy shorts?, blue and white vans (shoes), and a small white crown floating on the left side of his head.

"WHO ARE YOU!?" Raven growled and stood, walking in front of the figure who seemed scared and shocked. "Uh.. My name is Zonor.. I- I don't know where I am, do you?" Zonor gulped and stood as Raven shook his head and sighed "You're on an island named Blossom Cliff and my friend Lillian is right over there. Behind Miru her dragon as my dragon Fossil is right there" Raven looked at the two dragons huddled up with each-other. Lillian trying to crawl over them yet wasn't successful with it: The dragons moved once Raven gave them a look and Lillian jogged over to Zonor "What an interesting name- Zonor.." She smiled at the two "We should get you a dragon from the stables, Me and Raven's dragon's were wild but we can't get you a wild one, took a month or so to tame them. Then it was 2 weeks to train them. But the dragons in the stable will already be tamed and trained- they're just really expensive and not so.. unique. haha" Lillian chuckled while the dragons started to play fight with a large stick again- they never knew how the dragons found those sticks tbh. Miru went up to Lillian as Lillian hopped on him with Zonor, Raven hopped onto his dragon Fossil. They shot up into the sky and up above the clouds: soon they saw the kingdom GoldenLock and a huge stable popped up. Miru and Fossil raced each-other to the stable as it always provided the best care when their owners are busy shopping or something like that. Once they got there Lillian and Zonor got off Miru as Raven got off his dragon. The dragons went in this big fenced up area, they got to eat fish, play fight, chase other dragons and scare the rats. The three walked over to the stable and looked at all the dragons, Zonor was amazed at how pretty dragons really were and how loyal they are.


As they looked at all the really cool dragons: one caught Zonor's eye, it was a Crowkey and Crowkey's are Large Mammals with a tough body yet they're slim, Have 6 Wings, Pointy sharp scales, and they're semi-nocturnal so they don't need sleep to live. 6 large claws each hand/paw, and 25 spikey horns on their heads' and their colour is mainly Black with White specs. Plus, they have no eyes. Zonor's eyes were shimmering as he smiled "I want him to be my dragon, please." And once he said that a man with a viking beard and armour walked up to them "Sure, You can have this Crowkey. Also, Fun fact: their scales are Black with White dots to hide in the night sky as they are semi-nocturnal." The man said to the three. Lillian gasped as she had never knew that, she just thought it was a random birth effect "wow, thats amazing! How much is he?" She looked in her side bag, only to find 3 silver coins. (Each gold coin is 10 dollars btw, silver ones are 5) "he'll be 1,500 Gold Coins! Please" The man said with a smile on his face and hands on his hips, you could tell he was proud of these dragons. "WHAT!? 1,500!?" Zonor frowned with his eyes wide open- that was VERY expensive and, they were all poor. Raven had 5 gold coins but that wouldn't nearly be enough for a dragon, not even a baby one. All of a sudden another guy walked over to the 4, he looked like he was very wealthy by the clothes he was wearing. "I'll pay for you guys. You seem troubled enough." He spoke softly and used a few hand gestures when he talked. "Hey uhm- thank you but what's your name?" Raven questioned the man as he just nodded and gave the guy a bag of A LOT of gold coins then walked off.

"That was weird.." Lillian tilted her head "yeah but atleast we got-" Raven was about to finish his sentence, then all of a sudden Zonor but in "THE DRAGONNN" Zonor finished the sentence. Looking very happy about getting this lovely creature. The man who was selling the dragon opened the stable door and put a harness on them with a leash, he gave the leash to Zonor as he (Zonor) started to walk back to Lillian and Raven's dragons': the other dragons that were on sale were let outside to play again. As they all got to Fossil and Miru they went on their dragons and flew back to Blossom Cliff.

(Two weeks later)

Raven, Lillian and Zonor were all at the kingdom GoldenLock as a dance was starting in the main part of it: Village Square. Raven was dancing in the crowd with Zonor as Lillian watched and let little kids braid her hair, she chuckled as everyone there was smiling in happiness and laughter. Once the crowd started to die off an hour or 2 later, Raven seemed exhausted but all of a sudden loud footsteps were heard coming towards them from behind- Zonor was in front of Lillian and Raven so it couldn't be him.. Raven turned and was greeted by the- WEALTHY DUDE FROM THE STABLES? He sighed in relief and greeted the guy.
"Oh- hey. Are you the-" Raven again, tried finishing his sentence but was cut off. "The guy who bought that dragon? Yes, it's me. I would like to apologize for walking away like that, truly: do you forgive me?" The guy said with a slight bow and soft smile. Raven nodded and forgave him "whats your name?" He asked and the guy replied with "its Xavier, and you are?" "Raven" Raven replied with a nod and also a smile like Xavier's. "Hey, another thing I need to share with you three: you're going to start getting daily missions. I've heard that Zonor is from a different dimension or universe so it'll help him get back and please, be careful out there. If you really want I can help you through this rollercoaster." Xavier spoke calmly with a few hand gestures. Lillian, Raven and Zonor looked at each-other then back at Xavier, the three nodded: hopping they can get Zonor back to his universe. "Wait.. how do you know Zonor is from a different universe/dimension!?" Lillian questioned Xavier with a high pitch tone, Xavier just chuckled and responded with "what I've heard is that a few riders were passing by this island full of birch trees and a blossom tree. Then they said that they saw your friend Zonor fall out of a portal, there's newspapers and everything." Lillian kept questioning Xavier as the other two just watched with a "what is happening" look and Xavier with a "this girl is insane" look. "My god, you really are a fast talker: listen, all I know is that you should keep each-other safe and make sure Zonor isn't wanted or anything. Got it?" Xavier growled as the three just gave a nod, Raven spoke out loud "I guess it wouldn't be so bad if you helped us on our journey" they all smiled and got on their dragons. Nobody saw Xavier's dragon so they looked pretty confused- "Xavier, where's your dragon?" Zonor asked with a tilt of his head "Oh, you'll see." Xavier said, then transforming into this beautiful Brown with Gold patterns Chinese dragon. The three looked amazed as they all started to head over to Xavier's office, on the way there they questioned Xavier even more but he didn't mind much.

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