Prologue |The Prophecy|

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My my welcome dearest friends what a lovely

Surprise... don't be afraid as I the

Ţ̷̛̟̥̟̙͎̏͝i̵̡̨̪̍̔̉̄̾̄͠m̵͖̝̗̘̞̠̖̺̓̓̾͝ẽ̷̢̡̧̲͍͈̘͉̽̆͛̕͜k̷̖̝̰̈̔͐̈́͛́̎ẽ̵̼̑̏͝ë̴͂̔̒͜p̴̙͚̌̋̔̊ȩ̴̩̱̯̭̗̜̤͐̌͆̍̕̚͜ŗ̶̛̥̘͙̟̌̔̐͊͒̚ ̸̧̰͂͗̔͒̏̀̈̈́͆

Of this world welcomes you with open arms oh

Well I really don't have arms nor a physical

Body to be exact hahaha... but i guess we

Should start with the explanation of the

Prophecy... that started it all with

This group of



It is told as a child's tale

called 'Enchanted Mirrors' where a

group of youngsters go into a

forest. Finds an old castle full

of broken mirrors, but not all of

them continued through the castle.

Some left and ran back home scared

to go back to the castle in the

forest. The ones that stayed

continued on deeper into the

castle, once they reached the end

of the hall of broken mirrors. One

of the oldest in the group said to

the rest;

"Look thats the only mirror not broken!"

The group walked up to it and saw

themselves but different looking.

Their reflections had the same eye

shape, hair length, height, and

more similarities. But eyes, hair,

and skin colors were different. As

the kids stared a black inky figure

stalked behind them, and the kid's

reflections warned them to turn

around but it was to late. They

were cornered; the inky monster

approached the kids, as their

reflections put their hands trough

the mirror grabbing the kids.

Dragging them through the mirror

on the other side... to never be

seen again. The kids that ran

away before cried at the lost of

their friends. They even went back

to see if they were just hiding in

the castle, but the castle was

gone. No trace of it in sight, the

kids parents worried magic from a

mage was at play. The only

evidence of this was this inky

liquid that covered a broken


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