Chapter 1 |Mystery Mirror|

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Bold = Dialogue

The school bell rang signaling the start of summer break, kids rushed out of the doors to freedom. And in the crowd are a group of close childhood friends, even after so many years they never separated. The group had planned to help a neighbour in cleaning out all of his junk, before he moved out.

The neighbor was an old man, he was always kind to the group. They even called him Grandpa when they were younger, still do till this day. Old habits are hard to get rid of, but the old man doesn't mind. The house was mostly already empty, just some boxes here and there from last time. The teenagers arrive at the house and knock on the door.

"Ah you're all here, good good. I already have some boxes that are to heavy for me to lift in the spare room." Grandpa said with a kind smile.

"Alright Grandpa! We shall get to it then huh!" Exclaimed Yuko.

"Oh! If you find anything you like i allow you to take it, as a gift for keeping me company over all these years." The old man says with gratitude.

"Awww, thanks Grandpa your to kind." Replies Alicia with her own smile for the old man.

And so the group of friends picked up boxes, garbage, and even helped clean the house for the old man. Of course they found little trinkets that they liked, all of them except Yuko, Yuuta, and Yuudai. Alicia found an old Disney pin it was Aurora's cake that the fairy's made, Candi found a vizier that seemed to be based on Crumbelina DiCaramello from Wreck it Ralph, Julietta took a pink bow hair tie that was a reference to Georgette from the movie Oliver and Company, And Haru took a shirt that had the Chernabog from Fantasia on it. While Yuko Yuuta, and Yuudai didn't find anything of their interests in the box of Disney merchandise. When they finished with everything, they were going to bid their goodbyes to Grandpa.

But he couldn't be found anywhere inside the house nor outside, the group started to worry. Until they heard a crash from the attic, they all ran upstairs to the attic stairwell. As the went up they could see a middle age man standing infront of a mystery mirror? 'That's weird' the group thought, unsure what to make of the situation. The man did look like a younger version of Grandpa, but that couldn't be him right? But soon that unsureness will become confusion and shock. As they heard the man speak, they froze he talk just like Grandpa. He even sounded like the old man but less strain in his voice. But the man infront of them wasn't old enough to be Grandpa.

"Ah so you have arrived, I apologize for the work you've done today was all for nothing. All but for my amusement, and to test are you children really the ones from the prophecy." The man spoke while turning to face the group of teenagers.

"W-what are you taking about man?" Candi was the first to speak.

"Yeah! And what do you mean by prophecy? Are you trying to make a fool of us?" Haru said ready to start a fight.

"Just get to your point, its hot in here and i will melt if i stay here any longer." Julietta complains to the man.

"Hmm... seems time is running out the mirror will soon break, if you want to see your old man again I suggest you follow." As the man said this he leaned back onto the mirror, disappearing into it as if it was a curtain of some sort.

The group looked at each other then the mirror with caution. Did that mystery man really take their kind sweet neighbor. All for a joke of some kind? For his sick twisted amusement? All for a fake ass prophecy! They couldn't stand for this.

"Come on! We only live once, and we need to get Grandpa back! And beat that guys ass for endangering him too!" Yuuta proclaims while walking up to the mirror and jumping through.

"H-hey wait up don't go without us!" Candi says as she follows Yuuta through the mirror.

"Omg they are gonna be the death of me, Julietta you're in charge of my will if i die." Yuko claims as they jump through the mirror.

"Wow... I see where we stand Yuko." Alicia states as she also follows through the mirror.

"Thats a given Yuko haha! Alright come on boys, you don't need to sit and look pretty." Julietta said as she walked up to the mirror and stepped in.

"I don't trust this one bit dude." Haru tells Yuudai, but even with his worries Haru soon goes through the mirror.

"I have a bad feeling about this..." Yuudai says to no one in particular, and steps into the mirror.

Once all were through some inky blobs leak out from the walls and cracks, soon surrounding the mirror and seeping in. The house now empty and silent, the only thing still in the house is a mirror broken and covered in a inky liquid.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2022 ⏰

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