Chapter 12

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Arriving off the coast of South Korea for the second time in three years, I noticed that the area was covered in mines. "It's gonna be a heck of a time getting in there." Captain Edsall muttered. "That's for sure." I replied.

He sighed and leaned heavily against the bridge rail. "You alright?" I asked. "Yes, not as young as I used to be." He replied. I nodded and didn't say anything more on the subject. If something was wrong, he'd tell me.

"I hate minefields." I muttered as I swerved my way through them. "So do I, they make me really nervous." Edsall added. "Don't worry, I'll get us through." I promised. He nodded and I continued on.

Some Japanese mine sweepers were working nearby but they seemed to be having a little trouble negotiating through the minefield. Some were beginning to turn and run. "Hey, move another inch away from that minefield and you'll see just how bad it is to be the target of my guns." I growled.

They halted. "Oh come on Missouri, you wouldn't do that." They complained. "I did it before." I reminded them. "And I'm not afraid to do it again." I moved forward menacingly.

"Ok, ok." They muttered and went back to work, my angry gaze following them as they did so. "Humph, cowards." I muttered. "Take it easy on them. It's not exactly fun for them to play with explosives." Edsall said.

"But that's what they do." I replied. "I mean the explosives above the water." He explained. "Me?" I asked, surprised. "Yes, you. Honestly Mo, you're the ship that delivered their country's humiliation, I don't think they're very happy about having to work with you." He said.

"They're angry at me?" I asked. "Yes, and afraid of you." He replied. "Well they need to make up their minds on which emotion to stick with." I growled. "Minesweepers are experts at being undecided and remaining so. That's why I never captained one. Their indecisiveness gives me headaches." He muttered. "And I think I'm getting one now." He added, pressing his hands to his temples.

"I could take care of them for you." I said. "Missouri, don't you dare. We're here to fire on Koreans not Japanese. That war ended six years ago." He scolded. "It's never over till it's over." I replied. "MISSOURI!" He yowled.

"Ok, ok I was just kidding, sheesh." I complained. "Focus on the Koreans, ok?" He asked. I nodded. "Ok." I replied. "If we ever get there." I added silently. Edsall clenched his fists.

"You really know how to get on my nerves don't you." He asked. I shrugged. "It's a gift." I said simply. "You high ranking navy men are so easy to get to. Just do something wrong and you'll lose it." I explained.

"Oh like sitting on a mudbank for a month." He teased. I stiffened. "You know why I did that." I exclaimed. "Yeah, Captain Callaghan told me all about it." He said.

"I didn't mean to embarrass the navy like that but I had to do it, I just had to." I wailed. "I know Missouri, I know. We never should've let it go on for as long as we did. Just next time we get fat heads with you, let us know please." He said. "Lesson learned, you won't be seeing me sitting on another mudbank again." I replied.

"Good girl." He said. The watch ended and he left the bridge to go to his cabin. Dinner wasn't for another few hours but since he had no papers to fill out right then, he decided to read a book. He wasn't an avid reader but at sea, you can develop all sorts of hobbies to keep yourself occupied. Just yesterday I'd caught a group of sailors playing hide and seek in my turrets.

The rules were simple, you could hide anywhere inside the turret and I mean anywhere. I knew where they all were and I'd secretly feed the seeker information on the whereabouts of the hiders. I know, it's cheating but so what, it was fun.

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