Chapter 18

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Out at sea on patrol, the task force had come under heavy fire from enemy aircraft. I had no trouble dodging the bombs and torpedoes that were launched at me, I'd done it before after all.

"Just like the old days." I muttered. "When the weapons were slow and the fighting was fair." My captain added. "Good point." I conceded. "Let's show these unfair ring racers how a real pro does it then eh?" I asked.

"You got it En." He said and I proceeded onto a zigzag course. At least a dozen bombs and torpedoes were dropped at me, they all missed. "Ha, suckers. Their aim is about as good as their piloting skills." I laughed.

Just to prove my point, Washington knocked down a plane with a single round of antiaircraft fire. "Nice shot!" I called. "Thank you En." She replied.

The downing of their comrade sent the remaining fighter pilots into a frenzy. They were no longer out for glory, they were out for blood. This skirmish had turned into a battle for revenge.

"Here come the uglies!" Fletcher called. "Let 'em have it Fletcher!" I ordered. "With pleasure." She replied. "Kidd, would you care to join me?" She asked her sister.

"Oh yes please, I've wanted to add some more planes to my scorecard." Kidd replied and fired away. Their well-trained salvos hit their targets perfectly and both went up into flames.

I heard a yelp from Washington and looked just in time to see her starboard bridge go up in flames. She'd been hit by a bomb. Simultaneously, two torpedoes went off on her port quarter.

"Ooh head-knee combo ow!" She yowled. "Washington, are you all right?" I asked. "Yes Enterprise I'm fine." She replied. "You sure?" I asked. "Fairly sure." She said.

As she steamed along I saw a trail of blood turning her white wake black. "No you're not, you're injured." I whispered. The pilots took advantage of my momentary distraction and dropped two 500 lb. bombs onto my port side at the edge of the flight deck.

It hurt, but I didn't really notice the pain until after the smoke had cleared. Looking at the damaged area I saw that one of the bombs had sliced deep into one of my large veins. Not a main artery but a series wound nonetheless.

Out here, even the smallest cut could be fatal. Shaking my head to clear it from the haze of pain, I saw that two flyers were circling overhead, ready to drop their payload.

I was sure of two things, 1. That they would not miss and 2. When they hit I was done for. "Washington, take the task force and run." I ordered. "What, no way am I leaving you here Enterprise." She growled, racing forward to assist me.

Just as she did, the planes dropped their bombs and I braced myself to die. Then I saw a flash of black as another ship intercepted the incoming bombs. They exploded on her deck and I caught a glimpse of several airborne steel pots flying through the air and landing in the water, sinking almost instantly.

Knowing their owner was close, I stopped as quickly as I could. There was nothing on the water but smoke. When it cleared though, I could just see a fleet oiler sitting there. Smoke billowed off her decks and blood ran down her sides forming a black pool in the water around her.

"Run Enterprise." She rasped. "You saved my life, I can't just leave you here." I replied. "An auxiliary like me is not as important as a naval carrier like you. Go, now!" She snapped.

"Negative, I'm not going anywhere without you." I replied. "Fletcher, Kidd, help me out here." I called. The two destroyers broke off from their shooting and raced over to assist.

"Can you help me get this ship back to Sasebo?" I asked. Fletcher nodded. "Certainly." She replied. She turned to look at my rescuer and her eyes widened. "Yo210." She said.

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