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Xiao Zhan sat alone by himself by the window of his room

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Xiao Zhan sat alone by himself by the window of his room. Around him, the leaves, the flowers, which changed color every day, waiting for something that never came back.

Love passed and never stopped again in his life. Xiao Zhan had plenty of time to ponder it over. However, no one said that one should continue to be with the one he loves. Maybe the person left, or maybe he died first.

For the umpteenth time he took out the last letter from Wang Yibo along with the chasmere scarf. Stared at him sadly for over an hour. Since the bitter events of his wedding day, Xiao Zhan decided to never think about a relationship again.

"Wake up from your long sleep, Zhan..." said his mother one time.

"There are still better men in this world."

"But why is it in fact not that simple?"

Waiting for happiness really takes determination and courage. Xiao Zhan was sure he had that courage. At least he tried.

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Xiao Zhan didn't understand how one's entire life would change when one stepped onto the wedding altar.

Absolutely amazing, he thought.

Elegant and brilliantly dressed guests. Vibrant colorful flowers. Candles, food, drinks. All these decorations made him feel intimidated. And instead of stepping steadily and gracefully towards his beautiful bride in a spectacular white dress, Xiao Zhan froze where he stood.

"Zhan .." his father rebuked softly.

Xiao Zhan glanced over the faces of the guests he didn't want to see. Then he looked down in frustration. When he lifted his head, his eyes were filled with tears.

"I..." he groaned. Shake his head. "I don't want to have this wedding."

Voices buzzed throughout the church. The guests whispered, some in shock, most staring blankly.

Jian Li's face went from pale, to red, to purple. He squeezed the bouquet of flowers in his hands until they fell partly.

Xiao Zhan tried to get his voice out again. Dare to look into his father's eyes.

"Forgive me.."

He turned and walked briskly towards the exit. With excitement mixed with tension, he got into his car and roared away. His arms were still shaking, but his chest flooded with relief, barely believing he could pull off this rebellion.


Xiao Zhan hugged the large bouquet of roses he bought at the OnlyRose flower shop. Still wearing the expensive suit for the canceled reception just now. He knocked on Wang Yibo's door. He waited a while.


He knocked again, then banged on the door. Calling his name. But still silence greeted him.

The residential area was also quiet. Xiao Zhan was confused for a moment. He sat on the terrace, tried to call Wang Yibo's cell phone but there was no answer.

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