I. Under Control

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John sat in his car, breathing in deeply before walking towards the Gilbert house

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John sat in his car, breathing in deeply before walking towards the Gilbert house. He stood in front of the door, raising a hand to knock when the door swung open.

"Elena!" John exclaimed smiling, eyes widening slightly at the sight of his teenage daughter.

"Uncle John! Hi." Elena greeted, awkwardly smiling.

"Jenna." John nodded as he looked at Jenna. His smile tightened and he could almost hear the last time he heard about her.

"He's got Jenna."

"John, you made it." Jenna replied, sarcasm dripping from her voice .

"I said I'll be here by noon." John replied as he entered the house.

"Oh what you say and what you do are typically two very different things." Jenna snarked as Jeremy walked down the stairs.

"Uncle John, what's up?" Jeremy looked up, his messenger bag slung over one shoulder and his hair partially covering one eye.

"Hey!" John greeted, watching Jeremy slap his back and walk out the door. He turned back to Jenna. "I had some business in town. I thought that a visit was in order."

"How long are you staying?" Elena asked, dreading the reply. Jenna simply looked cooly into John's eyes, hands on her hips. 

"I don't know yet. But my work may take a while." John replied, smiling slightly.

"Ok, well, I've got to go to school. I'll see you later." Elena stated, walking out the door. As Jenna went to close the door, her and Elena made eye contact, conveying their dislike for John.

"So what's up with Jeremy?" John asked as Jenna closed the door.

"He just lost a friend, so try to be sensitive." Jenna explained.

"I'm always sensitive." John laughed as he missed Jenna's continuous snark towards him.

"Right. So really how long are you staying?" Jenna asked coldly.

"Can you at least pretend that you're happy to see me?" John retorted.

"Oh my god John! It's so good to see you. How have you been?" Jenna said sarcastically before turning serious. "No, I can't."

"Do you really think that I was just gonna sign the escrow papers and send them back?" John asked.

"Actually I did." Jenna replied.

"I want to see who exactly wants to buy my brother's office." John explained before continuing, "You and I both are going to meet them."

"What? It belongs to Jeremy and Elena. It's not up to us." Jenna scoffed.

"But they're minors. So we get final say." John retorted. "Now Jenna. We need to talk about some things."

"Oh. Like what?" Jenna questioned, tilting her head to the side.

"Like the Gilbert family duties," John explained. 

"Well, I'm not a Gilbert. So..." Jenna trailed off, smiling sardonically.

"But you are..." John sighed, trying to explain. He need Jenna to listen to know before anything could go wrong. 

"Who are you and what have you done to John Gilbert?" Jenna asked, looking at John wary.

"Look. I realise I've been an ass -" John got cut off.

"Understatement of the century." Jenna snarked.

"... But there are things in this town that you need to know. I wouldn't want anything to happen to you." John continued, but not after a small glare at Jenna.

"Is that a threat?" Jenna scoffed, fuming. 

"No. No!" John exclaimed. He was trying to get her to listen. To keep her safe from the Salvatores and Katherine.

"Get out, John." Jenna replied coldly, pushing John out and closing the door in his stuttering face. John looked at the door in shock before turning around. He sat inside his car and ran a hand down his face, sighing in frustration.


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