Chapter Twenty Four

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Alaina POV:

After taking the nausea pills Sara had given me, I was finally keeping food down for the most part and started to gain weight little by little.

It was oddly quiet out there. 

I hadn't heard a word from Ian, and if Danny has, he hasn't said anything to me about it. It made me nervous, too nervous.

My phone ringing caught my attention. 


"Hey, babe. I'm at the club house. Can you meet me here? We might have somethin'." Danny said on the other end. "Yeah, I'm on my way." I replied and grabbed my keys. 

When I pulled up to the club house, motorcycles littered the driveway. All the bikes took up the driveway leaving me to park in the yard. I've been here for months, and I'd never seen so many.

Ryder walked opened the front door as I approached it, the smile that is usually on his face gone.

"Who died?" I joked.

When Ryder didn't respond, I knew something was wrong.

"Ryder, what happened?" I asked. "Just come inside." He told me as he looked up and down the street, cautiously. 

Something was very wrong here.

I walked inside and saw Danny sitting on the couch along with the rest of the club standing behind him.

All the old ladies were sitting nervously across from the guys. 

I hurriedly sat down next to Danny, wrapping both my arms around his muscular ones.

"Y'all are makin' me nervous. What the hell is goin' on?" I asked them.

Cheyenne handed me a piece of paper that had been folded. On the outside, my name was written.

"We found this wedged in the front door this mornin'." She told me.

You're coming home.

My hands began to shake as I read the one sentence scrawled messily on the paper.

Danny POV:

When I had gotten to the club house that morning, I was the first to arrive. 

Ryder, Lana and the kids were inside, most likely eating breakfast.

As I got closer to the door, I noticed a piece of paper wedged in the door.

I snatched the paper out of the door and walked inside.

I rushed to the kitchen where I heard voices.

"Dude, look at this." I told Ryder placing the paper in front of him.

Ryder seemed confused. 

"What is it?" He asked, turning the paper.

When he did, I noticed Laney's name written on it.

I grabbed the paper and unfolded it.

It had just one sentence.

You're coming home.

I watched Alaina's face morph into one of fear, her face turning pale.

I rushed to her side and sat her on the couch.  

"How did he know?" Laney seemed to ask herself.

"He doesn't know where you live, Alaina. We still have time to find him." Cheyenne told her. "Yeah, but how much?" Alaina asked her.

None of us answered because we had no answers. We were all just as lost and confused as Laney.

"Okay, so Laney just stays away from the club house, and hers until we find him. Take her to one of our safe houses." Lana said. "It's better than nothin'." Marley told her.

We take her to the safe house, then what? Sit with our junk in our hands?

What was I supposed to do?

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