Chapter 19: To the exams part 3

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Konoha Streets)

They all look to where the voice comes from and there they see 3 girls at Naruto's age. Each girl also has 2 ninjato swords on their backs they stop before them and the first girl asks as she also reviles that she was the one who asked the same question early.

"Now what is going on here?" Asked the first girl

Before Kakashi could says anything Sasuke spoke up

"That's none of your business slut get out of here." Sasuke snarled

The second and third girl look at each other with a look that said: "Does he know who we are and who he is dealing with?" Sai was slowly taking a few steps back as he knows who these 3 girls are.

"Excuse me do you even know who we are?." The first girl says again narrowing her eyes

"Like I care who you are. You're just whores now get lost bitches." Sasuke says

Sakura who saw a chance to win brownie points with Sasuke says

"Yeah get lost you bimbos this doesn't concern you." Sakura says agreeing with her crush

The three girls all had a look of anger on their faces but before anything could happen a voice called out

"What the hell is going one here!?"

everyone turned to where the voice was coming from and there walk a woman that is the same age as Anko katana swords on her back As the three girls saw her and they says:

"Korra sensei."

Kakashi who saw her was going pale in the face and says

"Ko, Ko, Ko, Ko, Korra"

And he become very nervous as Korra was a student under Kushina and she was once one of the Guardian 12 Ninja that protected the Fire Daimyo that is until the Fire lord made her his daughter's bodyguard it was not to see her again that mad him nervous but last he heard is that Korra became the teacher of the Fire lord's daughter and her 2 friends in the art of the ninja and that means if Korra was here and these 3 girls called her sensei that means that these girls are the daughters of some very powerful and influential people

"Kakashi its been a while." Korra says

Kakashi groans at the tone in her voice he know that Korra blames him, the Hokage and Jiraiya for letting Naruto be taken and that both the Hokage and Jiraiya had forbidden her from taking the boy in and he asks.

"Yes it has so these are your students?."

"Yes they are this is Ty Lee the daughter of the samurai general of the Fire Daimyo's samurai army. as puts a hand on Ty Lee's shoulder" Korra introduced

Kakashi says in his mind "Oh shit."

Korra puts a hand on Mai's shoulder and says

"This is Mai the daughter of the Fire Daimyo's chief advisor."

Kakashi says in his mind "Oh double Oh Shit..." while paling white like Orochimaru

Korra puts a both her hands on Azula's shoulders and says.

"This is Azula the daughter of the Fire Daimyo himself. "

Kakashi says in his mind "oh fuck... we are in serious trouble..."

as he know that these 3 girl have a lot of power given who their fathers are and their fathers will not hesitate to make Sasuke pay for what he had said to their daughters and with korra as their teacher in the ninja arts then that means that these girls as as deadly as they come and are well trained as he could see that these girls have discipline, teamwork, coordination, trust and focus in them something that his own team doesn't have at all and these girls also wouldn't hesitate to make both Sasuke and Sakura's lives hell as he knew all to well that Korra had a mean streak that was almost equal to her late teacher as to Korra Kushina was the perfect example of what a ninja should be and she no doubt taught that to her students

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