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Scott shot up from his desk to grab a soaking wet Isaac Lahey by the shoulders.

He looked up at the blond. "Are you okay? What happened?"

The concern in his voice almost made Isaac melt. He'd known Scott to be caring, it was why he came to him of all people. But Isaac had never known anyone to actually show such concern before Scott and even now that feeling was still very foreign, so he only stared absently in response.

Scott shook the taller boy lightly. "Isaac? Isaac, what's wrong?"

Isaac realized he'd been looking into Scott's eyes the entire time and redirected his gaze to the carpet he was currently ruining.

"Well, uh, Derek kicked me out for one." he answered, shrugging.

"What do you mean he kicked you out? Like out-in-the-rain out?" he asked, appalled.

"I mean, threw-a-glass-at-my-head-and-told-me-to-get-out out." he sighed, wearing a tired smile no one would believe.

"What the hell is his problem?!" Scott seethed.

Scott stomped away from Isaac and paced around the room trying to wrap around his head how Derek could think it was remotely okay, to throw him out like this, it pissed him off to no end and Isaac could hear it in his breathing, not to mention Scott's repeated 'sonofabitch' and many sympathetic 'what an asshat'.

Isaac moved to console him despite the fact he was the one that needed consoling, but he tried not to move too much, afraid of ruining more of the carpet than he already had on the way in.

"Scott it's really not-" he was interrupted by Scott scurrying off to a corner of the room.

Isaac watched as he rummaged through multiple drawers before making a satisfied expression and making his way back.

He'd managed to find a black t-shirt, and a pair of gym shorts.

He handed them to Isaac. "If you're going to stay the night I don't think soggy shirts and jeans make the best pajamas." he said, smiling that famous, goofy smile as though he hadn't been mentally listing every insult in every possible language to later replace for Derek's name.

Isaac smiled more than he'd intended, Scott's smile was pleasantly contagious. He was still dripping wet and almost shivering but seeing that lopsided grin made him somehow warmer.

Scott, looking as lost in Isaac's eyes as Isaac was in his, nodded towards the bathroom. "You can change in there." he finally added.

Isaac nodded back and made his way to the bathroom and closed the door.

Isaac walked to the toilet, put down the seat and sighed as he sat. His emotions were still dangerously high after the incident with Derek and he was trying his best to keep himself composed. It was especially hard given his current emotional state that had begun to rouse his inner wolf, making the creature claw ferociously and incessantly at the thin veil of calm he was trying so hard to maintain. He couldn't help but keep thinking how this night was so much like the night his dad had..

He shook his head before he had the chance to connect he two nights, doing so would break what little composure he had left and give his wolf an opening to break the veil.

As he undressed he thought about whether or not coming to Scott was actually a good idea after all. Scott was by far the kindest, most caring, and noble person he'd ever met which kind of made him the best candidate to come to for help.

But Scott was the first person in a very long time whom he felt as though he could trust, who'd displayed a level of gentleness he thought impossible since his father and who had returned any form of affection towards him so strongly, even if it was completely platonic. But even so, it was enough for Isaac to develop feelings for the other boy and between that, his somewhat mental fragility and werewolf temper, perhaps the McCall household wasn't the best place to go.

Before Isaac could become fully immersed in his thoughts, he heard Scott's voice.

"Hey Isaac," he called.

Isaac froze, motionless atop the toilet seat.

"Yeah?" he called back.

"You can stay here as long as you like, you know? It's no problem." he continued.

Scott had the tiniest hint of timidity in his proposition and if Isaac didn't have hypersensitive hearing it would've gone unnoticed. But he did and it didn't and he felt warm again.

He grinned widely and tried to compose himself before he responded but Scott had already heard his heartbeat pick up and he was smiling just as much on the other side of the door.

"Thanks Scott." He said, blushing behind the protection of the wall dividing them.

Isaac stood to finally begin to clothe himself and put his wet clothes in the hamper in the corner of the bathroom and then proceeded towards the door.

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