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It was numbingly cold and all Isaac could see was darkness.

It wasn't the sort of darkness where if you squinted hard enough and waited long enough for your eyes adjust you could make out the vaguest of shapes and colors. No, it was the sort that instilled in you just the tiniest bit of fear as to where you'd find yourself when light finally graced the room. The sort that all but detroys the faith you had in the functionality of your eyes up until then, capable of being sure only of the ground beneath your feet and even that certainty couldn't be trusted.

An infinity of nothingness engulfed him and, despite not even knowing where he was, Isaac felt trapped. Though it was was impossible to see, the impenetrable black fog did nothing to keep at bay the painfully overwhelming feelings of fear and despair that sought him out now.

Isaac shivered almost violently.

He looked to either side of him but it made no difference. The pitch black that veiled his eyes was all encompassing. He could stand, but where would he go? Where was there to go? Even if he could see his own two hands in front of his face, they'd surely be blurred by the the tears welling in his eyes.

Just as he felt a sob creeping up his throat, a light shone down on him from above. He turned his head, warily. A voice beckoned him toward it.

"Isaac." his father called.

Isaac sprang up as quick as he possibly could at the familiar voice.

He expected to to see his father standing over him but he was still greeted by darkness.

His gaze followed the light that embraced him and the source was a rectangular shaped space suspended alone far above himself. It appeared as though someone had punched a door shaped hole in the very darkness itself. An almost ethereal light poured out from the doorway, making only his father's menacing silhouette discernable. Though as warm as the light looked, it did nothing for the freezing sensation that numbed his every nerve.

Isaac had already begun to plea through chattering teeth.

"Dad, I-"

"Issac." he repeated, interrupting in a sharp tone.

Isaac snapped his jaw shut out of habit.

"Have your learned your lesson, son?" he asked, his tone eerily warm.

Isaac wanted to leave. He was scared, alone, and desperate and he had no way out. His father put him here. He could get him out, right?

He'd already begun to nod before he'd heard it.

"Isaac." his father called again harshly. "Have. You. Learned. Your. Lesson."

Isaac flinched. "Ye-"

You know when I first met you I never thought I'd like you as much as I do now.

"Scott." he whispered.

He turned his back to his dad.

"Scott's here." the cold receded for just a moment.

"Scott!" he screamed.

"He can't save you, son."

Isaac turned back to face his father's silhouette. He was gone but the doorway up above remained.

He redirected back to where Scott's voice had come from and was met by the older man instead.

Isaac stumbled back to the ground, he was painfully cold again.

"I said he can't save you, son."
he repeated. "But I can."

Isaac waited for Scott to come to his aid but he didn't.

He looked to his father instead.

"You can?" he asked.

The older Lahey nodded.

"Of course I can, Isaac. Just apologize for what you did and we can leave together." he shone down a smile on his son.

Isaac mulled it over. He was his best chance. He couldn't say no, what other options did he have?

His dad held out a hand.

Isaac stared at him cautiously before reaching back.

Everything about his father was cold to him. History proved this to be true but when he pulled him up it almost made the cold of this hellish dark world all but disappear.

"Go on." his father smiled.

Isaac took a breath and he heard Scott's voice again.

His feet began moving in the direction of the sound before he could stop them.

His dad held him back. 

"Isaac," he calmly warned.

Isaac looked back between the never-ending stretch of darkness  calling to him and then back his father.

"Just say you're sorry and I can get you out of here, son." he said.

They stood like that for a moment. Before he heard Scott again.

I don't know if anyone's ever said this to you since your dad died.. or if you even know.

He could see his father's jaw clench.

But I've always meant to say it.

You didn't deserve it.

You never did. You deserved so much more love than you got and I'd give it all to you in heartbeat if I could.

He seethed quietly.

"No." Isaac shook his head "This isn't my fault. This-"

Isaac had to take a breath.

"This is all on you. I won't-" He paused and smiled.

"I refuse to apologize to you!" he howled at the man.

His father frowned angrily and his grip that was previously warm grew as cold as the darkness around them.

"He can't save you, Isaac!" he hollered angrily, almost desperately.

"I'm your father! I'm your only way out! I'm your only choice!" He shook his head repeatedly before pausing.

He looked sad.

"I'm all you've got." his father spoke quietly but his intensity remained.

He finally released Isaac.

Isaac took a couple steps back from him.

He shook his head.

"Not anymore." he spat.

He turned on his heel and sprinted in the direction of Scott's voice.

There was that warmth again.

"He was wrong!" His father shouted, so far behind Isaac now that the darkness swallowed him whole.

"Issac," he whispered, then sighed. "I did love you."

Isaac kept his head straight, he couldn't see a damn thing but he didn't need to. If there was anyone he trusted, it was Scott. And he trusted him to get him back.

"I know, you did." he said to himself. "I loved you too, dad."

Isaac, I think I'm in love with y-

Isaac woke up with his lips on Scott's.

He could save him, after all.

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