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Scott wasn't certain as to when he'd fallen asleep but however long he had slept, his slumber was rudely interrupted.

A solid fist connected to his jaw. He quickly recoiled and was already in motion for a counterattack before his eyes had finally adjusted enough for him to catch a glimpse of his attacker.

It was Isaac.

Scott nearly followed through with a punch of his own until he could see the blond's eyes closed tight, not blinking even once.

"You're still asleep." He whispered, momentarily paralyzed in both awe and panic.

He could only watch as Isaac shivered underneath his slick layer of sweat. Punching, kicking and clawing at the air above him. He was fighting. Hard.

"You're still sleeping." Scott repeated in a whisper, this time directed towards Isaac.

Scott broke free of his panic driven paralysis and hurried to
Isaac's side, trying his best to gain a firm grasp on his wrists.

"Isaac you're asleep! There's no one here!" He grunted in frustration, trying valiantly to keep the boy still, but Isaac was just as much werewolf as Scott.

He was too strong to be subdued so easily and Scott couldn't bring himself to use force against him. He was one of many soft spots Scott had.

Scott's brief moment of hesitation allowed Isaac to free his arm and Scott immediately felt a sharp pain along his cheek. He winced, promptly reaching towards his face to inspect the wound.

There were four of them.

Scott looked down warily to see claws protruding from the other boy's finger tips. Isaac wasn't only having a night terror but he was turning and Derek wasn't here to scare him into submission. Scott was alone with a sleep-fighting werewolf and he was nothing short of terrified and unprepared.

He didn't have time to think, he couldn't just let Isaac turn. Especially in the state he was in. Even then, Scott still couldn't hurt him.

Scott pounced atop him, pinning his arms and legs in one quick motion.

Isaac stopped moving for a moment and Scott saw an opportunity to wake him.

"Isaac, it's Scott! I need you to wake up, you're gonna hurt-"

The last of his sentence was lost as he was launched across his bedroom to collide harshly against the opposite wall.

Scott was dazed, so much so that he hadn't realized Isaac had scurried into the corner of the room until the violent throbbing of his head had died down to a light buzz.

He stood and looked to the corner. A pair of golden irises glared back at him. Scott stepped forward tentatively.

"Isaac are-" The agitated wolf growled and Scott jumped back. He held up his hands in submission.

"Woah, okay. It's me, it's Scott." He took another step forward.

"I won't lie to you man," he exhaled sharply, another slow step forward.

"I'm sort of scared shitless." He laughed nervously.

And he was, god knows he was. But, oddly, not for himself. Not even in the slightest. He was more scared that Isaac might hurt himself. He should have asked if Isaac was okay. No, he knew he wasn't okay. He'd been kicked out in the rain and Scott hadn't even thought to consider how the boy was feeling. It's no wonder he was in the state he's in now.

"This is my fault." Scott mumbled, his eyes still on Isaac.

Isaac only seemed to study him.

For a moment the two just sat still, eyes never leaving one another. The storm outside had never let up, the constant pitter patter of rain drumming just outside the window. Isaac's eyes would shift to the window each time the room was illuminated periodically by a bright lightning bolt that seemed like a vein in the sky and his eyes would flash with great fear at every booming sound of thunder.

That's when Scott realized; Isaac was running on pure instinct. He wouldn't get close if he tried his best, Isaac's wolf wouldn't allow it. So instead, he sighed in silent defeat and sat slowly where he stood.

All Scott could think to do was talk.

"I'm guessing you're not really in the mood for company then, huh?" He smiled weakly.

Isaac's demeanor didn't change and Scott frowned.

He was out of his depth, he felt guilty, and more than anything he was worried about Isaac's well being.

Admittedly, Scott wasn't exactly Isaac's biggest fan when he'd first come along. He was just another one of Derek's dogs, and an arrogant one at that. But he'd eventually begun to grow on him. He was a lot more fragile than his exterior might suggest and once Scott came to see that, he'd become a loyal friend. Though since then, he's become a lot more. To Scott at least.

"Isaac, I'm-" Scott shook his head.

"I'm sorry, okay?" He looked back to Isaac, his eyes fraught with despair.

"I'm no alpha and I'm definitely no Derek either. I don't know what to do and I feel.." Scott paused, genuinely at a loss for words.

He to a quick breath and laughed.

"Look at me. You're in your underwear, wolfed out and scared, but I'm the one complaining." He laughed again.

Isaac still sat stationary in the corner, unresponsive.

Scott exhaled and his smile disappeared with the escaped breath.

He held his face in his hands.

"I don't know what to do Isaac. I've felt useless so many times and it sucked, but not being able to help you is an entirely new kind of suck." He looked up to face him once more.

"I don't even know why that is, is that weird?" He asked a blank faced Isaac.

"You have no idea what I'm even saying do you?"

Blank stare.

Scott nodded. "I'll take that as a no."

Again they sat silent. Nothing to be heard but Isaac's panting breaths. He was still scared.

Scott had to keep talking.

"You know when I first met you I never thought I'd like you as much as I do now." Scott didn't bother looking up, knowing he'd meet Isaac's empty, yellow eyes.

"You walked in with your douchey leather jacket and stuck up attitude and Stiles had to beg me not to punch you in the face on a daily basis." Scott could feel himself smiling.

"Then you turned out to just be a big baby really." He grinned wider.

"You know, despite being the jolly green giant." Scott laughed, looking out to where the rain was falling a lot gentler now outside.

"And I just.." He returned his gaze to Isaac, who almost seemed to be listening.

"I could never understand how anyone could hurt you." Scott frowned now as he spoke, his tone grew sullen.

"I've known you for not even half the time your father did and I couldn't imagine even raising my voice at you... no one deserves what you got, Isaac." Scott could feel himself tearing up.

He felt ridiculous. Both in the dark, on the floor and pantless. Not to mention Isaac was as good as comatose and here Scott was crying about a life he didn't even live. Yet it still didn't stop him.

"I don't know if anyone's ever said this to you since your dad died.. or if you even know." His mouth was practically on auto pilot at this point.

"But I've always meant to say it." Scott met Isaac's eyes and he was almost certain the boy could hear him.

"You didn't deserve it. You never did. You deserved so much more love than you got and I'd give it all to you in heartbeat if I could."

Scott took a breath. His words were spilling out faster than he could say them.

"Isaac I think I'm in love with y-"

Scott couldn't get the last words out past Isaac's lips as they crashed into his.

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