Chapter 1.

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Ember's POV

Rosehill High has a yearly tradition unlike any other school. Which is why most — if not all — students always look forward to the rally kicking off the month of March. Each year the seniors pick two people — any two people — to compete in a prank war. Quiet kids, drama kids, tech nerds, jocks, anyone can be picked. The seniors always try to pick two people who they think will put on a good show.

The school was sponsored by a few groups of people, who then offer the winner of the prank war a scholarship to any college of their choosing. They also donate a check to the school itself for hosting something that could potentially be a train wreck.

"Who were the top liked this year for the prank war?" I ask. I was sitting on the second to top row of the bleachers. My best friend and boyfriend were sitting on either side of me.

"I'm not sure, I wouldn't be surprised if it was you and Jake." I turn to look at my best friend — Madison Grant — with a raised eyebrow. She knows exactly how I feel about Jake Long.

Instead of focusing on me, she was fixated on looking around the gym. Her curly red hair was pinned up into a ponytail — which usually meant she didn't feel like doing her hair this morning. Her light green eyes roamed the gym — probably excited for this rally to start.

"The all time favorite person for this is Jake Long," Logan Wren — my boyfriend — states as if it were a fact. I cross my arms and pout. He also knows how I feel about Jake.

"If Jake is actually the favorite, I have a feeling that Ember has a really good chance of being voted. After all, everyone knows they hate one another." Madison smirks as she turns to look at Logan.

Logan seems annoyed now. He hates the relationship I have with Jake, more than I hate Jake myself. His brown eyes were furrowed, and his brown hair fell over his eyes as he looked at Madison. "Maybe, but you're forgetting that she has the choice to decline her part in this. It's not forced." Logan shrugs as he looks away.

"I would participate if I had the choice." Madison straightens up, smiling at us. "I mean, we have a shot at winning a scholarship."

Before Logan or I could answer, the lights turn low, and it wasn't long before the cheerleaders came out to the middle of the gym floor and did a routine. As entertaining as they were, I'm sure everyone just wanted to get this rally over with and know who the two people participating in this year's prank war were.

"Hello, Rosehill High!" Chris Aguilera says through the microphone. Chris was one of Jake's best friends. I didn't know the guy all that well, but he puts himself out there. From what I know he is very likable. Which is why I assumed the brown eyed brunette, was in charge of the rallies and prank war.

Janelle Peers — who is a cheerleader — joins Chris in the spotlight. The brown eyed, brown curly haired girl stands next to him and leans against him with her elbow on his shoulder. She doesn't hesitate to snatch the microphone from his grip.

"Who's ready to find out our picks for this year's Senior year prank war?" Janelle's chirpy voice was enough for me to roll my eyes at. I had nothing against the girl, I just can't understand how such a small body can hold so much pep.

Everyone watched as Janelle and Chris walk over to the end of the gym, where a table was set up under the basketball hoop. There were three other students sitting at said table, with papers in front of them and other things I couldn't make out. Chris takes two folded up pieces of paper from one of the students, and he holds them up above his head as if he were trying to tease us.

Chris and Janelle repeat themselves a couple of times, in an attempt to get the whole gym excited about the yearly tradition. They tease us by showing us the papers, and they manage to make the cheers louder and louder each time they speak. I was getting a little annoyed by the act and the loud cheering, but I tried to keep an amused look on my face.

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