Chapter 3

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A/N~ Okay, real quick. Thank you, whoever you are, for reading No Matter What You Do, Stick with the Pack. You are a huge help in my effort to to get published someday. After this goes through some Beta readers and editing, I am going to offer it as a free ebook on Smashwords, so if it's not to much trouble please give me your honest feedback, tell me what you want in this story. After you're done, visit to get a treat from yours truly! Again, thank you for your help! 


            “What the hell do you mean, ‘You can’t pick me up?’” I spat into the phone.

            “I can’t do anything about it!” Nathan said through the static of the phone. “My car broke down. I was able to get to school alright, but…”

            “How can you even call that piece of crap a car?” I hissed.

            “Just come on paw, it’ll be fine. You’ve done it before.”

            “You’ve put me in two different kinds of hell, you know that?” I said, pacing towards the woods and stripping off my shirt. “My parents are going to murder me for being late to school, and Maxie will murder us both for me going to school not only alone, but as a wolf when there are hunters around.”

            “Oh promise me, I’m getting the bulk of the murder for that second one.”

            “I’m still getting murdered twice, so shut up!” I said, balancing the phone on my ear and slipping out of my pants, putting my outfit in my backpack. “I got to go.”

            “Kay, see you in the afterlife.”

            “Yeah, see you in hell.” I hung up, tossing my phone in with the mix. It was true, I had taken the animal route. It was very convenient for the werewolf who likes the scenic route, and has time to take it. I did not, however, have time that day. And sure, going on paw would be faster than going on foot, but the end result was the same. I was screwed.

            Nothing to do about it now. I consoled myself as I let the change come. Try to find the good in it.

            On the bright side, I had some time to myself for the first time in three weeks. I never understood what a pure privilege it is to have privacy until I was on twenty-four hour werewolf patrol. Sure, it was awesome to be surrounded by Scuff (or Scuff da Tuff, now that he was my “body guard”) and his never-ending cuteness. Being surrounded by an Alpha who wouldn’t even let you pee on your own, not so much fun.

            Once I was in my pelt I scooped my backpack in my jaw and took off in an easy sprint, finding it easier to keep the human side of me awake since I wasn’t forced into the transformation. The sunlight spilled through the blooming trees, giving the scene a very serene look. I floated through the woods, light as breeze, not paying much attention to anything other than the quickest path to school. A couple of times I noticed twigs snapping by me, but I dismissed it as squirrels or chipmunks or something.

            After ten minutes or I slowed to a stop. School was still a good quarter mile away but there was a grotto here that was perfect for changing unnoticed. Towering oaks barricaded the forest from the street with a wall that was just about the size of my room, and granted there wasn’t anyone roaming the woods I was good to go. I sniffed all around, making sure I was absolutely alone. Not picking up anything but the smell of squirrel poo and Nathan’s month old piss (I swear, he goes wolf and he needs to mark everything) I anxiously changed back. Alone or not, I was antsy about being naked in the woods.  

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