A New Friend

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"Oh, yes, baby!" I pumped my fist into the air. "McDonald's!" I noticed some elders glaring at me, as if to say, His generation has no respect or manners, disgusting! Though, honestly I couldn't really care, 'cause McDonald's! Am I right!

I walked into the fast-food restaurant and woo was it warm. I was so jumpy, I asked for a large fry and Water. I got my food, walked to a table and sat down. The place looked amazing it had lights that hung from the ceiling with multi-colored cylindrical lamp shades, the walls had various sizes of wood squares plastered on like a geometric puzzle, it was way better than the orphanage. I stopped admiring the place and started to chowed down. When I finished I decided to finally pray to God."Uh, God. I know I've stopped talking to you and, er, kind of lost some faith in you." I said in hushed tone. "This might sound pathetic, but I have no one to turn to anymore, so, some guidance would be good." I was then rudely bothered by some girl, she interrupted my prayers and said,"Hey, you do know God is real."
"Excuse me, who are you?" I scowled. "You know you can't just walk up to a random person and just blurt out something like that."
"I know." She said with the slightest bit of shame. "But this is serious. By the way, I'm Peyton Shea, you?"
"Acacius Palmer. Now what do you want."
"I wanted to tell you that the one you call God is a form of all of the gods."
"What are you talking about?" I asked.
"You know, Greek, Norse, Egyptian, Roman, etcetera. A Monotheist's god is just an embodiment of all of the gods."
"Good to know. Well, I'm going to go now. I hope you don't track me down using just my name."
"Wait, Acacius!" She screamed. "We have more to discuss." I looked behind me and I was surprised I didn't notice how stunning she looked. She had golden-brown skin and hazel eyes. Her curly brown hair fell over her shoulders and she had a small nose. Her lips were glossy and she had a mischievous smirk on her face, she looked almost as if she was trying to set up a plan. She snapped me out of my trance and said, "Cac, earth to Cac."
"Don't call me that." I snapped.
"Okay, okay."
"Oh, sorry...it wasn't meant to...never mind." I said with frustration.
"We need to talk, sit down." Peyton said. She said the giant Clytius was chasing us both and that she understood how I was feeling. Most of the time it bugs me when people say that, but it was different coming from her, it was like she meant it. She had also said that we smelled of something that only monsters could smell. She decided that we should travel together. I reluctantly agreed.

We walked out of McDonald's and headed north. "Uh, Peyton? Where are we?" I asked.
"Where are we! We're in California!"
"Oh, right. It's just I've never seen this part.
"Oh! That's what you meant. We're going to San Francisco!"
"Oh! Got it." I said. Okay.
"It should take us the rest of the day" Peyton said.
"Alright." We walked in silence.

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