Someone's back!

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It was noon time and they were all having their lunch break. Mike kept throwing glances at Ann occassionally. Ann started sharing all the new tea with her friends. It was obviously about Mike. The girls looked happy except one of them- Sia.

Sia asked out of blue, "Where is Tag? Why is she on leave on the first day?"

"Well Sia is right... where's that bish?" Eva added.

"What if she went on a date or some?" Ann asked.

"Wtf without me aggghhh😭" Daze replied dramatically.

"Ooh stop you dramatic bish...I'm really concerned about her and i need to talk to her too" Sia replied with a depressed tone.

The break went like that with fun talk and gossips. Mike enjoyed his time staring at a beautiful piece of art a.k.a Ann Rose. Mike also found some new guys to talk to as there were people who were into music just like him.

After break time

Sia and Daze were having physics period while Ann, Eva and Mike had Informatics Practice. Yup Mike was hella happy that he chose IP instead of Mathematics.

While in another class chemistry period was going on. Professor Jay explained a lotta new terms and equations. And that's when somebody came running into the class panting, "SORRY I'M LATE!! Uhm I was sick...sorry sir"

Professor being a nice person decided to check up on her by asking how she was right now, "Oh are you alright now?"

"Super fine now that you are here-"
The whole class gasped at that statement. Professor Jay looked petrified on hearing a flirty statement from a student.

" I mean now that I'm here...with my friends, new class, new experiences...i feel better."

'I should stop flirting too much i guess' she thought as she walked to her seat.

"Uhm since it's my first time teaching this class and a lot of new students are present here, do you mind introducing yourself?"

"Oh sure sir! I'm Agatha Christy...nickname Tag. I love dance, music, art etc"

"What about chemistry? Studies Agatha?"

"Oh yeah I-I love that too" She replied awkwardly and went back to her seat and opened her textbook.As she took her rough note book which had her nickname designed on it by one of her friends, her mind went back to the day when they gifted that nickname...Tag.


"Guys don't you think she needs a freaky nickname now that she's in our friend group?" Eva asked and everyone nodded in affirmative.

"How about Chris?" Sia suggested

"Uhm that's my dad's name right?" Agatha gave a 'really' look.

"Oops yuh." Sia zipped her mouth.

"How about...uhm girl do u like to play tag?" Daze asked with a serious tone.

"Yup i love it...well everybody does." Agatha replied confused.

"Uhm how bout Tag? Three letters from her name in reversed order" Daze replied after some serious calculation.

Everybody was speechless. Silence. Silence. Silence again.

Agatha quickly jumped up in joy "I'd love that name!!!"

Sia agreed, "Damn that's really an amazing name, you brilliant bish!"

"I know right guys... I'm a bitch with beauty and brain." Daze flipped her brown locks as she was filled with pride.

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