<<<Ice crushed, Blue melted>>>

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"I feel good that we started this together fella,
Cause if it rain tears I have no umbrella"

It was a week that passed with boring, depressing stuff to Sia, bad bish stuff to Daze, gay stuff to Eva, physics and crush stuff to Tag, Mike related things to Ann and vice versa.

"Come on girl...how bout that guy? Isn't he hot? Or maybe that cute tall guy? You feel something?" Tag asked like a daily routine hoping her friend will pick one guy and get over her depression era.

"I don't want any of these guys, girl. Ugh stop annoying me with this...it's only morning now..." Sia said lacking interest.

Tag sighed and all of a sudden she felt Sia aggressively tapping her hand. "What the-"

"Who's that guy....?" Sia said like she was trapped in a daze.

"Huh? Who?" Tag asked as she scanned the crowd around them.

"That guy with black hair... standing near the pillar....with the cutest smile in the world I've ever seen" she kept breaking her sentence into pieces as if she was reciting a poem.

"Oh that guy? Oh yeah!!" Tag spotted and felt satisfied.

"OMG you know him?! Tell me tell me!!!"

"Nop i don't know him." Tag replied making Sia's excitement drop.

"But I'm happy you chose one! Bish get ready for some true love shit. It was love at first sight!!!!" Tag seemed more excited than Sia. She kept making waves towards Sia with her palms.

While all these crush and love talk happened somebody was staring at them... more precisely at Sia. The guy they were talking about, he glanced at her in between his talks with his friend.

"OMG i just saw him glancing at you! I think he's into u!!" Tag exclaimed.

"I know right he's been glancing at me for like a few times i guess" The unknown voice made Tag and Sia turn their head in surprise.

"OMG Daze!!! Wtf stop appearing out of no where! You scared us!" Tag screamed as they saw Daze standing behind them.

"Yuh right stop behaving like a ghost...by the way who was staring at you girl?"

Daze pointed secretly at a guy with glasses and said that it was a guy from her bus.

"Oh yeah so he's into you? Blue eyes, glasses, tall and cute. Awesome!!" Tag revealed her impression about the new guy.

"Wait did u hear what we were talking about?" Sia asked questioningly.

Daze nodded in affirmative

"You sneaky rat!" Tag was about slap her for invading their privacy.

"Hehe I actually did say a 'Hi' but y'all were busy talking and i didnt wanna disturb your talk. See y'all will never get a nice bestie like me" Daze said proudly.

"Only you say so!" Sia said and there was a clear 'WTF' look on Daze's face. Sia expected Tag to join her laughter but she looked surprised on the contrary.

"OMG what happened to that depressed Sia!? you just made daze shut her mouth with just a line like u used to!!" Tag was in awe as Sia didn't even show a hint of depression then.

"Fuck it girl!!! Who wants Jim." Sia rolled her eyes as the bitch in her was back to life now that she found her new love.

And this time both Tag and Daze were flabbergasted. This wasn't Sia a few moments before.

"OMG bad bitch Sia is back!!!" They shouted in chorus and Sia replied with a vow.

She curled her fist and kept it on her chest, "Me, Sarah Sia hereby declare that I'm moving on! And that I swear to god, that MF Jim won't affect me anymore." Sia said as Ann and Eva came and they were all astonished by the way a change was seen in her.

"What's going on?! OMG girl tea!!" Ann exclaimed.

"Yuh tea...sorry we were caught up with my Ruby" Eva said and Ann revealed the fact that Eva learned almost the whole textbook plus checked internet to clear Ruby's doubts. Then Tag revealed that Sia is kinda into a guy and also about Daze being curious about a guy in her bus.

The morning bell rang and it was assembly time and the classes started afterwards.

Classes with professor Hash was all Tag wanted while informatics practice became Ann's and Mike's favourite hour automatically.

After two classes, it was break and all ran out of the classes except Tag who just stayed in the class to clear doubts after her two Physics periods from her favourite teacher. Tag fell in love with his slangs, with the way he explained and especially his braces. They both had braces and it made her fall harder. His eyes....those were so beautiful. Once she heard one of her classmates comment about his pretty eyes and Tag couldn't help but get jealous inside.

Daze and Sia secretively threw glances at their respective guys standing outside their classes and then turned to each other to just giggle at their own silly behaviour.

And that was when professor Hash came out of the class followed by Tag. They wished him a goodmorning. Tag would've followed him into the staffroom if daze hadn't pulled her by hand.

Soon there was group discussion about this slight interest turning into a crush. But all of them said it was just a 0.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 crush, hesitant to completely accept this fact.

"I heard somebody call his name...it's Kai!" Sia slightly jumped with excitement

"Ooh my guy..i mean the bus dude's name is Kel." Daze replied with a slight blushing smile, which was rarely seen on her face. They looked excited just by knowing their future boyfriends' names.

As they were talking and spilling teas, Tag noticed something and wrinkled her eyebrows. Soon she beckoned the girls to look at what she was looking. It was Sia's guy.

"OMG he looks as cute as he was a few minutes ago... I think a lot more cuter." Sia said excited.

"Ugh I thought it was my guy...by the way what are you so much surprised for?" Daze replied plainly.

"Didn't y'all notice that something's wrong....?" Tag asked.

"Notice what?"Both of them looked puzzled.

"Hm why is your new guy with your old guy? I mean Jim." Tag replied and that's when everything clicked to them.

Sia's guy was with Jim, talking and laughing together. His hands on Jim's shoulders....as if they were best friends.

"We never noticed this guy with Jim before but..." Daze replied hoping to hear they probably aren't much close.

"We concentrated only on the important person and unfortunately back in past it was Jim alone..." Tag revealed the truth.

Sia said with shock and confusion at the same time.
"So am I into my ex's bestfriend...?"


Jim:Who would you choose...me or your friends?
Sia: Uhm whom would you choose?
Jim: My Friends, ofcourse....what about you?
Sia: Friends...

She never mentioned 'his friends' or 'her friends'. Help the irony. The way the statement she said became true was no joke. Yeah ofcourse she'd prefer his friend over him but would this cause problems in the end? She hoped that it wouldn't.

Daze, who always had a cold behaviour to everyone except her close friends, Sia, who was completely depressed and painted in blue...changed due to a crush. Yuh Daze's ice cold attitude was crushed and Sia's 'blue and grey' paints melted and washed away in love.

Most importantly the influence kai had on Sia ...the way he affected her was no joke. Just by looking at Kai her heart was healed, just imagine the way it would break if he says a 'No'...?

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