sleep over🪤

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‐--------——bad writing ahead!——-------

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‐--------——bad writing ahead!——-------

Jungwon groaned as he felt hot air suddenly hit his face, he instinctively moved away from the heat. "Jungwon stop moving" Jay demanded as he continued drying the youngers hair, he slowly moved the hair dryer around Jungwons head while lightly brushing through his hair, Sunoo watched them annoyed at how long they where taking. "I need to dry my hair too" Sunoo said he sounds agitated, Jay looked over giving him a stank face "wait for like 2 minutes", Sunoo rolled his eyes and looked at jungwon who was as happy as ever. "this feels like special treatment" Sunoo scoffed crossing his arms, "then next time don't take a bath at the same time" Jay responded giving back just as much attitude, Sunoo felt his annoyance worsen; Jungwon always got special treatment with Jay and it was with the worst things, Sunoo always felt like third place it was like he was miles away from Jungwon and Nikis place in Jay's heart. Sunoo began to sulk just as Jungwon started humming in his happy little land, the intimacy of letting someone else take care of you was always something jungwon valued he loved nights like this.

"stop whining and come here" Jay said patting the spot on the bed next to jungwon, sunoo got up and sulked his way to the spot he was to sit in.

Jay began drying sunoos hair, "happy?" he asked smugly, sunoo scoffed and didn't answer. 

Jungwon and Sunoo laid on the floor of Jay's room watching TV, the two where used to hugging and cuddling so that's just what they did as they watched the tv quietly, Jay was cooking Ramen for the trio to eat even though it was pretty late at night. "THE FOOD IS READY" the eldest boy yelled up the stairs of his own home, Sunoo and Jungwon got up to go enjoy some food, "hold on I have to use the restroom" Jungwon said as he walked towards the bathroom leaving Sunoo to go downstairs himself, Sunoo walked down the stairs beginning to get a bit nervous. He was feeling anxious for a reason he refused to ever say, he was just too embarrassed. 

The boy reached the kitchen where Jay sat on his phone waiting for the other two to come sit at the barstools so they could eat on the counter, "im not hungry" sunoo said as he sat down, "well I already made the food so at least eat a bit"

"Jay, I'm not hungry" sunoo said a second time looking at the floor, "you haven't eaten the whole time you've been here though" Jay insisted, "I'm not eating." 


Sunoo was shocked that Jay said that, not that he said eat but the way he said it, he knew what he wasn't supposed to, Jay knew sunoos horrible secret. Sunoo began eating the Ramen slowly, jungwon happily walked into the room "looks good" he smiled innocently. the energy was only a bit tense, mainly because sunoo was still a bit afraid that Jay knew but also because he was starting to feel nauseous, he didn't want to prove the older boy right.  "sunoo you don't have to eat alot it will probably make you sick" Jay said in a softer tone, he didn't mean to put sunoo on edge he never thought it would freak the younger out so bad, Sunoo nodded and stared at his lap. Jungwon silently watched the two as he ate, he was always a bit jealous of their relationship they where both so subtlety close, it's always been like that they just connected so well. The envy Jungwon harbored towards his friend was something he never let get to him, but sometimes he wished he understood their silent conversations, in this moment the silent argument, the silent pain only they could feel with eachother. However Jungwon wasn't naive he caught on quickly, he also knew Sunoo was ill in his own way but he never knew how to speak on it, he just didn't know how to help. 

after eating the boys decided to watch TV but both Jungwon and Sunoo got bored and decided to play hide and seek, Jay sat on his couch not moving an inch as he was tired after taking care of the younger two. "let me hide under you" Sunoo said as he climbed under the blanket that lay idly on Jay's lap, Jay shrugged and still had not moved from his slouched position on the couch, well he decided to grab and pillow to put on sunoo so he could at least help a bit.

 after twenty Jungwon began his hunt for the older, he snuck up to the side of the couch closet to Jay, "jay" he whispered calling for the other boys attention, the moment Jay looked over at him Jungwon began wiggling his eyebrows and pointed to under the blanket. Jay looked up him with shock before realizing what he meant, Jay nodded and went back to watching his movie, Jungwon ran over to him and ripped his blanket off revealing a squished sunoo hiding in between the eldest legs. "this isn't fair he told on me" Sunoo said pouting as he pointed to Jay, Jungwon smiled and jumped onto Sunoo tickling him, "I still won" he laughed. Jay still sat on the couch unmoving, well his face moved he was smiling, he's glad they're happy.

a/n: I sincerely apologize for the bad writing i did this when I was tired and I was trying not to make an ibs joke. anyway cute pocketz moment cuz yes🤲🏾

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