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"You have to believe me, Luke! I know that was Ashton's dad! He had this all planned out!" I say screaming and crying into my hands.

"Heather calm down okay. Breathe in and out. Everything's going to be ok," Luke says rubbing my back as I sob in the corner.

"How can you say that, Luke?"

"Do you know for sure that was Ashton's father?"

"Yes. I'm 100% sure. Ashton said he hated his middle name because it was his dad's name. His middle name is Fletcher."


"Yeah exactly."

"I'm going to take you to your room now and I will go check on Ashton, ok?" Luke asks helping me up from the floor.

"Ok," I say wiping my nose on my sleeve.

Luke walks me back to my cell and I lay on the bed, crying, hoping Ashton is ok.


"Ashton! Get up! You have a visitor!" My guard yells at me.

"Seriously? What day is it?" I ask.

"Tuesday, why?" He says as he unlocks my cell.

"No one ever visits me on Tuesdays. Who is it?"

"I don't know some guy," he says yanking my arms as we leave my cell heading towards the visitation room.

As we approach the visitation room I start to have a bad feeling about this visitor. That happens sometimes, bad feelings.

"He's sitting at the corner table. You have one hour, Ashton."

"Thanks I guess," I say rolling my eyes as I approach the table. The man's back was to me so I couldn't see who he was.

When I reach the table I tap him on the shoulder. "Hello sir? Are you here for me?" I ask.

"Yes. I am," he says turning around, "hello son."

My heart stops. It's my father.

"What the hell are you doing here?!" I ask, raising my voice.

"I wanted to visit my son. Is that a crime?"

"Yes. It is when you're the whole reason I'm in here!!!!" I yell.

"What? My fault? Oh son, you have it all wrong! I never left you, your mother left me," he says smirking. I could feel my blood starting to boil.

"No she didn't you asshole! You left us! All of us! How could you just leave mom when she had three kids!!! Harry was so young! He barely even knew you!!!!" I yell causing people to look.

Hurt him, Ashton.

Uh oh. Not again. I've been doing so well.

You know you want to. He hurt your family so now you have to hurt him.

"Stop it," I say quietly, hands covering my ears.

"Ashton are you ok?" My 'dad' asks.

Tell him. Tell him all about the problem he gave you. Or better yet. Show him. Hurt him.

"I won't. I can't," I whisper.

"Ashton. Whats going on? Are you ok?" He asks, putting his hand on my shoulder.

I swat it away, "like you give a shit!"

"I do, Ash. I care deeply about you."

"Don't call me Ash. Ever."

He doesn't care about you and you know it.

"I never wanted to leave you, Harry and Lauren, but your mother-" I cut him off.

"Stop talking about my mother!!!!!!" I yell shoving him against the wall.

"Ash," he says surprised.

"I SAID DONT CALL ME THAT!!!!!" I scream, grabbing him by the collar and throwing him to the ground.

Good Ashton. Beat him up. Make him pay for what he did.

"Ashton Irwin!" I hear my officer yell as he comes running over to me. The words are blocked out as I smash my fist into my fathers face.

"THIS IS FOR LEAVING US AND MAKING ME LIKE THIS!" I yell as I punch him straight in the nose, probably breaking it.

"ASHTON STOP!" I hear multiple people yell as they try to tear me off of my father.

Make him pay.

I punch him again in the face and my knuckles start to bleed. He hits me back, his fist lightly grazing my chin. I spot a glass vase on the corner of the table and I grab it.

"ASHTON DONT!" I hear someone, Luke I think, yell. I don't listen. I take the vase and slam it against my father, glass all over.

Before I can do anything else he takes his fist and hits me in the lip, busting my lip open. I punch him back multiple times in the face and jaw.

Finally, someone pulls me up off of him. I spit blood on the ground.

He hurt you. Do it for Harry and Lauren.

Before they can carry me away, I kick my father right in the stomach and he coughs up blood. I hope I killed him.

Some guy I've never seen before struggles to get my hands cuffed behind my back as he guides me out of the room. As we exit I see Luke standing there, watching me, judging me.

"What are you looking at asshole?" I snap at him as the guy pulls me the opposite direction.

He leads me down a long hall to a place I've never been before. We stand before a door and he knocks on it, a women opens it.

"Well well well. If it isn't Ashton Irwin himself," she says as we enter her room.

"Why am I here?" I ask Mrs. VanDerWood

"You're little scene in the visitation center was uncalled for and I don't think you're going to get better anytime soon. We are moving your location in our facility to somewhere we feel you will fit in better," she pulls out paper work from her desk.

"Well what do you expect?! My father comes here out of the blue! I hate him and everything he's done to me! I hope he dies and rots in hell." I say.

She ignores me and continues writing on here paper. "Your new room will be room number 35 in Ward X-" I cut her off, "WARD X?! Why do I have to go there I'm not THAT crazy!"

"Please escort Ashton to his new room then bring Dr. Hemmings in here, I need to speak with him," Mrs. VanDerWood says to the unknown guard.

"Yes ma'am," he says standing up and pulling me from my seat.

As we exit the room we turn down the girls hallway to get to Ward X. We walk slowly and I look in every room. As we pass a certain room I notice someone. Heather. She is sitting on her bed, face in her hands, crying. She looks up and her eyes meet mine. As we keep walking I send her a small smile and the guard drags me down the hallway to the dreaded, Ward X.


Wow I think this is the longest chapter I've ever written and I don't even know what I just wrote. I hope u liked it!

Also, I'm gonna start a new thing where I don't update until I have 25 reads on the previous chapter. So fairlyoddirwin if u want some more to read on ur road trip this summer, tell ur friends to read my story ;)

Thnx for everything guys! I love you all !

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