Chapter 8 - First Kill

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Serena doesn't see Ash the following day, which for her, is probably a good thing because even in the early morning sun and clear skies, her brain is still muddled.

She makes her coffee at the espresso machine in a daze and no one comments on her demeanor if she's particularly quiet. It must've been a busy day for everyone because she doesn't see Gary pass through with his boyish pranks or typical sayings, having Brock at the scene of the crimes, or Miette's snide remarks.

She sits at the bar stool alone with her coffee mug between her palms as she remembers the fading warmth of Ash's lips and his hands on her skin. It's enough to make the former fashion designer sigh, taking a sip and savoring the way it blooms in a heat to her chest, absentmindedly grazing the mark on her neck that's hidden by a sweatshirt.

"Supposedly, he wants to talk, but what's there to even say?" She mutters to herself, a frown on her lips. "Does he feel something for me or was it the spur of the moment that had him kiss me first?"

It's then she remembers Miette's words, but in her annoyance, she didn't think much of it at the time. Just because you're his new pet. It makes doubt settle uncomfortably in the swell in her heart, churning and unforgiving in weight.

It took months to catch up to Ash, but did she really achieve that? The thoughts rattle back and forth in the spaces in her mind, caught between the heady feeling of his hands holding her possessively at her hips, but in the same breath wondering if that's all she was - a pet to hold? As a what — possession? What the hell?

There are so many things in the world that Ash could have, so many things in his world that Serena has yet to understand, and it makes her pause wondering how she could possibly be anything more. The brand on her neck burns with the memory that becomes bitter, not knowing the drive behind his lips and teeth. To possess or to need, to own or to want.

She swallows more of her coffee that's now tasteless because with or without Ash, it feels like she has nothing at all. The world filters out in a haze as she stares at the liquid and her muddled reflection of her blue eyes, wilting to a withered color of fall. It isn't until she feels a hand on her shoulder does she snap out of her stupor, whirling around to find Misty with a concerned look in her emerald eyes.

"God, you scared me, Misty," Serena says, trying to recover and stop her coffee from splashing out of its mug.

Misty watches her fluster for a moment before a single arched brow raises into her features, her lips slanting into a near frown. "Y'know, it's not like you to space out, Serena. Is something wrong? I can let Ash-"

"No! Of course not, no," Serena immediately protests and recoils when she sees the mild surprise on Misty's face. She breathes and clears her throat with a shake of her head. "I mean, I'm fine. You don't need to bother him, really."

"Honestly, are you-"

"I just didn't get enough sleep last night and I haven't had all my coffee yet," Serena states defensively, sipping at her drink in hopes that Misty would just leave things be. Misty regards her carefully and Serena hides the way she tenses over the rim of her coffee mug. Misty makes a decision, the line of her shoulders falling slightly as she takes a seat beside Serena at the bar.

Misty looks at her expectantly and Serena blinks at her. "I didn't get enough sleep either."

There's the light smile on Misty's lips and Serena takes it as her way of letting her not talk about it, her way of giving her a door. Serena takes it gratefully and hops off her bar stool, taking her familiar place behind the espresso machine, the shot glasses and lever in her hand a creature comfort and distraction. She goes through the motions of making her iced espresso, sliding the glass across the counter that she catches gratefully. Serena blows the steam of the wand into a damp towel before wiping the surface down, her mind a little calmer.

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