Chapter 3|The reunion

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Sabre POV
I stood there still in shock, it's him, it's actually him. Before i could process the information a bit more Rainbow tackeled me into a hug "SABRE IS IT ACTUALLY YOU?" he said looks like he's still in disbelief I reply with "Nooo of course not your talking to a illusion skittles" sarcasm very clear in my voice Rainbow immediately played along and said "Oh how sad and here i thought you were the real chicken oh how foolish of me" very dramatically after that we just started to laugh for a good minute or two after that i looked up and saw all my other friends Galaxy, Alex, The Overseer & Guardian, Time and Elemental.

I simply said hey to them before all of them (besides the Overseer, the Guardian and SS Elemental) join the hug "DON'T DO THAT AGAIN YOU IDIOT" both Alex and SS Time said I chuckled at them and responded with "no promises~" which was met by Elemental The Guardian and Elder Blue/Overseer saying "Sabre stop teasing them would you?" "alright alright alright- also can you guys get off me? I would like to stand" i replied after i said that they all got up and let me stand after i did i heard Galaxy say "HAH TOLD YOU I WAS RIGHT" which was met with an eyeroll from Rainbow and the Guardian.

"OK SO FIRST OFF SABRE YOU KNOW THEM AND SECOND WHY ARE THERE MULTIPLE OF SEVERAL PEOPLE" I heard all the Leaders and Light say, great~ explaining "so thats why Emerald was confused" i heard Elemental say who was met with a response from Time saying "yeah probably- no wonder he got us mistaken as well us here- but cmon now i think you could tell our Light and this Light are completely different" i quickly turned around and looked at them "Lights here?" I asked which was met with SS Light revealing himself. I quickly ran over to him and hugged him.

"hey Dad" SS Light said as he hugged me back "i missed you son" i replied to him "missed you too dad" he said back as we both let go. "SON!?! DAD!?!" I heard all the leaders and RQ Light say "well yeah Sabre made Light so technically Lights his son and Sabres his dad" Rainbow said, i heard something fall and looked over to see RQ Light had fainted from confusion i guess- "i- did he actually faint from confusion?" i heard Green Leader ask "i believe so-" Orange Leader said rushing over to Light with the colorless guards.

Me, Light, The Guardian, Overseer, Galaxy, Alex, Time and Elemental all looked at Rainbow and gave a nod which was met by him giving a thumbs up and a evil grin. He walked over to RQ Light and said "i think i can wake him up" Orange Leader replied with "sure go ahead" walking back a bit to let Rain do his thing. After both Orange Leader and the colorless guards finished backing up Rainbow summoned a cloud of water above RQ Light and let it fall on him which was met with him getting up screaming at us and us laughing very hard, even the leaders were laughing with Light soon joining in.

After we stopped Orange Green Blue Indigo and Light offered to have a house built for them for their stay here which of course they accepted. "So care to explain Sabre" Yellow and Violet Leader said when they did i started explaining leaving out several details such as us dying and the galaxy sword. After which all the Leaders and Light were left in shock which kinda just made me chuckle in my mind. They started to ask questions, simple ones actually would've expected hard ones to answer but it was mostly 'what happened here what happened there' so it was relatively easy to answer. After a while of them asking I asked them "is that all the questions?" Which was met with a nod, "well if thats all there is, can we end this meeting" which they all agreed with, after the meeting i started walking to my house with my friends when RQ Light stopped me "Can i talk to you for a second Sabre?" I nodded, "hey guys you go ahead, the first house out of citadel is mine I'll catch up with you guys after" i said which was met with a nod and them walking towards the house.

Light then asked me "Sabre are you sure your okay? I heard you scream earlier, you know you can tell me anything" i froze i was hoping nobody heard me, but I guess he did, i answered him saying "Yeah I'm okay, it's just i missed them" which was met with Light nodding, "alright then" he said. He then asked. "I saw you holding a book earlier what was it?" I responded saying "oh it's my sketchbook/journal" i then showed one of my sketches, ":o your really good at drawing Sabre" Light said while still looking at the sketch "thanks Light" i said, after he looked up from the book i closed it. He then said "well if your sure your okay then i believe you" i responded saying "I'm fine Light i promise" after that we talked for a bit then said goodbye, after that i started walking towards my house.

Word count: 906

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