Chapter 4|The return

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Chicken- I mean peter- I mean-

Sabre POV

It's been a while since my friends came into this world at least a week has gone by, they had asked me what happened before they came here since they were curious like the leaders and Light when they arrived. So of course, I told them I chose to leave out details like my mentally crippling state and trauma as per usual, (I'm sorry I had to- XD) to say they were furious at Violet and Yellow would be a understatement, they wanted, to put it lightly have a 'private chat' with them and for the steves well after explaining the situation they all understood surprisingly, I'm starting to wonder if steves favor well- steves over any other species.

As of now I am currently walking through the rainbow kingdom alongside the SS Squad (I got lazy to type out all their names okay?) we were just talking about our old adventures, our new ones and just telling stories and jokes in general, until suddenly I see a shield form around the rainbow kingdom, I quickly started to run to the citadel my friends close behind me they must've noticed it too. It didn't take us long to reach the citadel when we arrived we saw a lot of worried steves in there as well, seems like they were evacuated.

I carefully make my way through the crowd my friends behind me, I got near the front and saw RQ Light "Sabre! thank goodness you're here!" he spoke to me and gave me a hug which I returned "Light what's happening?" I asked as we pull out of the hug. His answer was one I did not want to hear, after that he told me he needed to go on the platform to speak.

"HELLO EVERYONE I NEED YOUR ATTENTION" Light spoke loudly as everyone turned to him, all attention from the people focused on what he had to say. "As you all know you have been evacuated to this area and the shield has been turned on" he began receiving nods from the crowd "I am afraid to tell you that, Void is nearing, he's on his way as we speak" everyone started to panic but still somehow staying calm well, somewhat calm it was quite clear that the freaking out was happening inside of them. "Not to fret everyone! we will be sending you to a safe place in a short while if you would kindly look to the side" as he said that everyone looked to the side only to see a portal open up. "As you can see we have a portal leading there I would like to request everyone to enter the portal" as soon as he said that all the steves started walking towards there, group by group they all entered the portal until it was just Me, The leaders, Light, a few colorless guards since quite a lot went with the other steves to protect them and the SS Squad.

"alright close the portal!" I soon heard Light say and as he did the portal was closed leaving us. "So what are we going to do?" I heard Rainbow and Galaxy ask "simple prepare for battle" Light said as he jumped down from the platform "I hope your all ready for a fight" I said which was met by the leaders -Yellow and Violet nodding and taking out their weapons, Yellow and Violet eye rolling, Light and the colorless guards pulling out their weapons and the SS Squad giving Yellow and Violet a quick glare before readying some weapons.

"So what's the plan Sabr-" Alex said but was cut off by rumbling, we all immediately ran outside to see that Void was here.

"well well well what do we have here, it seems lil Sabre over here gave me more ponds to play with~" Void said, when he said that I could feel myself wanting to puke from disgust "what do you want Void" both me and RQ Light replied "my my~ straight to the point I see, well no matter, just wanted to have some fun" he said, we were confused at first until we saw a fireball come flying at us, thankfully we dodged in time.

Everyone started to fight against Void, Overseer The leaders and RQ Light constantly hitting him with lightning although it didn't even seem to effect him, Then there was SS Light, Rainbow and The Guardian, they were constantly hitting them with long range attacks which seemed to do enough damage to leave some scratch/burn marks, they seem to switch between fireballs and glowing orbs of energy that match their color theme. Galaxy and Elemental would do close combat, constantly appearing and disappearing near Void, incasing their fists with either flames (for Elemental) or some kind of aura (for Galaxy) it seemed to be working the most but to say Void was nearing defeat would be completely wrong sure it did some damage much more than the other attacks but it didn't do much. Time on the other hand would constantly switch from the glowing orbs and well- freezing time well at least freezing Void for free hits. Me on the other hand I tried my best to deflect any fireballs coming their way as well as firing arrows and the occasional firework, the arrows did nothing as expected and just distracted him, but the fireworks were definitely a different story I could see whenever he got hit with one he flinched ever so slightly, I guess fireworks do some damage I'll have to keep that in mind.

Eventually it seemed Void was getting tired from all the constant attacks, it had looked like we were winning but then suddenly Void released an explosion that sent everyone back but me. Void then spoke "I'm not here for a fight with everyone I'm here to settle a score" he then turned to me "what do you say Sabre? a 1v1 as you would call it" "IMPOSSIBLE HE DOESN'T EVEN HAVE THE SHADOW SWORD ANYMORE" I heard both Yellow and Violet scream, but not in a defending way, they were mad, they were showing that they didn't trust me.. of course they didn't. "So what? it's his choice either way i'll destroy him" I heard Void say as I snapped out of my thoughts, just then Galaxy slid something over to me. I looked down and saw, it was the galaxy sword, I looked at him and he nodded and I picked it up, "let's do it Void but let's have a change of scenery shall we?" I said, he looked at me and teleported all of us somewhere else, it was a obsidian battlefield with multiple ledges and several places that were covered with shadows, Void teleported everyone but me and him to a stand over watching the battle field, "YOU GOT THIS SABRE" "YOU CAN DO IT!" I heard Rainbow SS Light and Galaxy shout. I looked at them smiled then faced Void "so shall we begin?" which I responded with a nod "3,2,1, GO" And we began.

snowball2.0- I mean

RQ Light POV

"surely he'll be alright? right?" I heard Blue and Indigo say clearly worried for Sabre "I'm sure he'll be fine!" I heard Green and Orange trying to comfort them, I decided to ask "how is he going to defeat Void if he doesn't have powers? i'm sure he knows what he's doing but i'm still worried." "well you see what he is holding right? well that's the galaxy sword it's basically the shadow sword just not including corruption and darkness I gave it to him earlier to make sure he can do it" Galaxy explained as he did me the leaders and his friends nodded and we turned our attention back to the fight.


Word Count: 1331

Hi everyone! I would first like to thank you for all the support 200 reads is honestly unbelievable! Anyway I hope you enjoyed this chapter, by far one of the longest chapters I've written so far, but don't worry chapter 5 containing the fight and maybe the aftermath will come soon I promise! I was supposed to include it here but decided I should end it here to give the fight and it's aftermath it's own chapter. Oh and as you notice sometimes I'll be adding authors note that are mostly things to make you laugh a bit- mostly as you can see they'll typically be in () and will be in bold, and for the distinction between RQ and SS counterparts because I'll be including RQ Time and Elemental soon it'll mostly be RQ ___ and SS ____ but if possible I'll think of some names that I could use, but for now they'll be going by SS and RQ. I will also be calling Rainbow Galaxy Light etc. the SS Squad because I do not want to type their names individually all the time when they're together.

Old Friends, A Old Life, New Friends, A New Life (SS/RQ Book) Where stories live. Discover now