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In few hours there were royal guards in my house, we rushed through some few paper signing and in a few minutes we were done and ready to go.

In front of my house a crowd has been formed. I thought of how a house that was once rejected and abandon is now looked at with an eye of respect, 'a rejected stone has now become the chief corner stone' I thought to myself, although I know they are not here to see the house, they are here to see the girl living in the house.

I was ushered out of my little house by the royal guards. Few feet away from my house a black smooth limousine awaits me one befitting for a queen. I am watched as I walked to the car, some girls that were not chosen looked at me with jealousy that turned in to simple understanding as soon as the saw me (I think they finally saw what the royals saw in me when I was chosen), some of the others looked proud like I was doing the community a great favour-which was very true as this people will get some leftovers from the abundance of the royals, some looked happy as if it they were actually the one's chosen, some looked with belief and unbelief. There was a mix of emotions coming from people.

I saw on the side close to a house a girl knelt down crying and also a woman sitting not so far from the girl crying also, the only difference in their tears was that the girl was crying out of jealousy and the woman was crying out of happiness.

As I walked by I heard my named chanted from the crowd, I wondered how they got my name so quickly and the chant of my name was beautiful, the name felt smooth as I heard them pronounce it "Rose Melody" they chanted. I was raised to be in the spotlight, I was raised a queen and how did I ever deceive myself that I could lay low.

There no nervousness in me as I was born ready.


I was assigned into the car, and there an elegantly dresses woman seated opposite me, there with one body guards sitting at the far end of the limousine.

The woman was a blonde, her haired was in a very tight bun that was placed at the nape of her neck, she was pale, she wore a thick red average length gown, on her full lips she placed red lipsticks to match her dress, on the side her designer hand bag was ceremoniously kept, it was white in colour designed with gold, and she was in white heels with gold designs attached to them to match her purse, her makeup was done perfectly, her eyes were carved to the right position and she was a tall beautiful woman who demanded attention.

"I am here to tell you the rules of the first round in this contest the dos and don'ts" she said elegantly like as if it were already recited by her millions of times. I remained quiet.

She continued "you are not to fight with the other contestants; you are not to argue with them in public, you are to maintain yourself, you are to listen to the higher authorities('bullshit' I thought, I am the higher authority, but I swallowed it down), and there will be more rules if you enter into the next round" she said, and then she looked me up and down as if trying to see whether I m good enough, and I knew she felt that I am worth it, "Okay" I simply tell her, although it burns my brain to feel a common woman ordering me or telling me what I should and shouldn't do, I swallow my pride, I know most sea queen before me would not have done that, but again most sea queen have not felt what it was like to be a queen of nothing.

We drive in silence; minutes turn to hours and soon we began to slow down, we were in front of a huge big golden gate, and behind the gate was a grand mansion, it was so large that it can accommodate hundreds of people comfortably, but I knew that this was not the palace and as if to add more truth to my thought the elegant woman sitting opposite me began "This is AR- Accommodating Room" she said to me, "this is where the hundred selected girls will rest for the day and tomorrow they will be dressed for the ceremony, so this will be where all the girls that are not sent back home during the celebration will rest as the celebration will take two-three days depending.

I was silent. I felt like she had been waiting for me to ask her questions or at least to talk even if it was once, but I said nothing.

I was not doing this bonding stuff thing right. What can I ask I thought, I had many things I could ask her but speaking to her was degrading to me, but I will have to live my pride behind if I wanted to go somewhere in life, I would have to arrange and package myself.

"I did not get your name" I said to the woman that was sitting beside me and she answered "Rebecca", the name did not fit her but it is a nice name.

"Nice name" I said to her, "Thank you Miss Rose", she said at ease that I have finally spoken as if she really wanted to know whether I was actually a mentally well, and me speaking out made her cancel the idea.

It was a start for me, a great one.


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