log #5

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Sodor Silver Eyes log #5

After I threw Clive out of James' cab and explained to James what happened to his firemen, after I finished telling James what happened we approached Cronk. We saw that those things seemed to have left Cronk a long time ago. Though the station and town was in a big mess. There was blood and shattered glass everywhere and knocked down doors. Surprisingly there were no bodies as far as me and James saw. After going up and going down Gordon's hill we were finally at Wellsworth. I jumped out of James' cab to look for supplies in the station. After no luck of finding any supplies, I heard James yelling for me to come back and saying that he heard growling up ahead. I quickly ran out of the station and jumped in James' cab. Then we saw it, it was Emily, but she looked horrible. She had no eyes, half of her left face was almost entirely missing, the hole where her right eye used to be was slightly bigger to the side, she had a gaping mouth and all of the holes in her face were tripping with blood. But worse of all she had 2 Silver Eyes staring right in James' soul. I quickly turned on the reverser as Emily began to chase us. We ended up getting diverted down the Brendam branch. But he didn't care where we went, we just wanted to get away from Emily. Right when we began to build up speed and Emily started to get out of sight, I realized we were getting diverted into siding at Lower Suddery. The same place where Percy ran away to many years ago. I put on the brakes but it was too late. We crashed into the siding tender first and I hit my head badly on the controls. So there was, laying back on James' tender, blurry vision, ears ringing and the disturbing sounds of Emily presuming killing James. As I heard James screaming and blood splatter. Blood from my forehead began dripping down, some of it getting in my right eye. In the corner of my left eye I saw one of those things walking towards me. I was too badly injured to move and so I passed out.When I passed out I was certain that was the end for me and James.
But it seems we got lucky.
I woke up with a big pain in my head, laying on some sort of hospital bed. In a room no bigger than 3 square meters. I looked in a mirror that was also in the room and saw that my forehead, the upper part of my torso and a part of my left arm were all bandaged up. I had no idea how long I was unconscious for or how I was alive at all, but I didn’t care about that, I was more worried about James than anything else.
I got out of the hospital bed, still with a big pain in my head. I grabbed a glass of water to try to calm myself down.
When I finished my drink I heard footsteps outside the room.
I looked at the door as it slowly opened and saw Sara Guetta, Henry’s driver.
I looked at her, about to ask a question but before I could she immediately hugged me.
She was crying uncontrollably with happiness saying how she thought I would never wake up and how happy she was to see I’m okay.
I tried to calm her down and told her she didn’t need to be so overdramatic and that I’m fine.
After a few minutes of calming her down, I asked her where James was and if he’s okay.
She went silent for a few seconds, as if she was trying to come up with what to say back. She grabbed me by the hand and led me outside the room.
At first I couldn't see where we were because of the bright sun.
It took a short while for my eye to get used to the bright sun and I looked around and saw that we were at Brendam. Sara walked me over to where she said everyone was. And damn were a lot of survivors.
I looked around and saw James! I couldn’t believe it, he was okay.
I walked over to him and saw, yes was fine but not unharmed.
Both the bottom and left part of his face was completely bandaged up, covering up most of his face. His right eye was bruised plus a scar across it.
When James saw him was very happy to see me, saying that he hadn’t seen me in days. When he said I turned back looking at Sara confused.She knew what I was able to ask and so she explained everything.
Sara said they were going out to find survivors.
But when they came to Lower Suddery, They found those things coming out of the holes in Emily’s face and brutally killing James as he screamed in pain.
Sara saw one of them going towards James’ cab, the place where I was laying unconscious.
She attacked it, eventually killing it by stabbing it’s eyes.
They were able to scare off Emily and all those things, but when they inspected James and me they found us in a horrible state, barely breathing.
She said James woke up about a day later, while it took me about 4 days.
I had a moment to think of what to say back but then she asked me something.
‘’Where is Clive? He’s usually always with you’’. When she said that I had my own question. ‘’Do you have a backup firemen?’’ I explained to Sara what happened to Clive and so she asked the group if there were any backup firemen and there was one that walked out of the crowd. He said his name was Kirk Orbyn and I accepted him as Clive’s replacement.Ok I was going to finish the log here but then I forgot to mention all the engines. Well might as well do it now. Henry had a big scar on his right eye and it was Green. I asked Sara what happened to him and she explained that she and Ted found Henry in a burning shed at Wellsworth. Surprisingly he was mostly unharmed except for the scar on his eye and that it was green. When they asked Henry about it he says he doesn't know why, how or when he got the green eye. However Sara has said Henry seems to be about 10 times stronger than before.
Bill and Ben were mostly unharmed except for the slight bruise on Bill’s left eye and a cut on Ben’s chin.
BoCo was probably the most hurt with scars everywhere on his face and a bruise on his right eye. Julian said that BoCo got those scars from an attacking Gordon.
And finally there was Salty, just like a pirate he had an eye patch and instead of a missing hand he had a missing buffer. I guess he really is a pirate now.
Ok I’ve written a lot I should end the log here.

sodor sliver eyes (a Collab with @LukidTheQuiteGameKid)Where stories live. Discover now