Chapter 41

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41 | Betrayal II

Yeonjun slowly opened his eyes, he blinked as he tried to take in his surroundings. His head hurt like crap and he couldn't feel his body, he looked down and noticed he was tied up and started panicking. He looked around the dimly lit unfamiliar room and tried to understand what the fuck was going on. He heard the door open behind him and footsteps before a figure stood infront of him. He looked up at the person and clenched his fist.

"Donghyun" Yeonjun said and Donghyun laughed before dragging a chair and sitting infront of Yeonjun.

"How's life been?" Donghyun mocked and laughed. Yeonjun just stared already planning how to cook his voice box.

"Where's my sister and the others? Where's Soobin?" Yeonjun asked and Donghyun leaned back in his chair.

"Well, the others are tied up in other rooms and for Soobin? Son!" Donghyun yelled and the door opened, footsteps were heard before Yeonjun looked up at the male that stood in front of him and he felt like the world had slowed down.

"What?" He whispered as he stared at Soobin who looked back at him with no emotion. Donghyun chuckled before getting up from the chair, Soobin taking his place on the seat.

"You weren't expecting it, huh?" Soobin said and let out a chuckle "Expect the unexpected baby"

"Young Love" Donghyun said in a dreamy voice from behind and Yeonjun glared at him before turning back to Soobin.

"I can't believe it" Yeonjun said as he threw his head back and let out an emotionless laugh "I can't believe I... trusted you, I loved you and-"

"That was your mistake" Soobin said and smiled at him. The same smile Yeonjun fell in love, the same smile he so wanted to carve off his face "You trust too easily"

Soobin leaned in and pressed his lips against Yeonjun's, he pulled away with a smirk on his face. 

"You wouldn't kiss back? I thought you loved me?" Soobin asked as he faked sadness before bursting into laughter with his father.

"You know what's funny?" Yeonjun asked "What's funny is that I don't regret one thing, because you taught me a very important lesson, you taught me I shouldn't let people in very easily"

"I hate you" Yeonjun said as he looked at Donghyun "And I hate you more"

He said staring at Soobin with so much hate and anger. The room became silent before Soobin let out a small laugh, he leaned closer to Yeonjun and whispered something in his ear before getting up.

"Let's go, dad" Soobin said and he walked out of the room with his dad after sending a wink towards Yeonjun.

'I just hope you know what you're doing' Yeonjun thought to himself as he was left alone in his room once again.


Yeonna was pissed. Soobin and his dad had just left the room and Yeonna felt like slamming their heads against the wall, she didn't epect Soobin to be working for his dad. He must have given out a lot of information seeing a Yeonna was tied up with chains instead of the normal roped.

She looked around the room, finding nothing but a rusty metal chair in a corner. She looked down and sighed before shaking a little, the chains shackling as she moved. She squinted her eyes at the chains, noticing the tiny gaps on the hook she smirked before grabbing hold of the chains that bound her hands.

She pulled at them, the gaps widening. She unhooked the chains before untangling her hands free, she sighed before doing the same thing to the other chains around her body. When she was free she let out a laugh before picking up on the chains, she walked to the door and slowly pulled the handle of the door.

'Dumbasses' she thought and rolled her eyes as she opened the door, she looked around making sure no one was watching before running out of the room to look for the others. The first door she stopped at was locked but the key was sitting in the key hole, she slowly twisted the key before carefully pushing the door open.

She pushed her head into the small crack before looking around. She noticed a chair sitting in the middle of the room with someone tied up on it. She slowly walked closer before noticing the pink and running over to her brother.

"Yeonjun!" Yeonna yelled and ran over to him, quickly getting on her knees and giving him a small side hug before starting to untie the ropes.

"Yeonna?! How did you get here? Didn't they tie you up too? I didn't even hear the door open" He said and moved his wrists in circular motions when Yeonna undid the ropes around them.

"They did tie me up, with chains actually but everyone knows rope is stronger than chain" She said and undid all the ropes "Did you see?"

"Soobin? yeah i did" Yeonjun said and laughed.

"Don't worry, I got this" She said and waved the chains in his face "When I see him, I'm gonna fit his head through the loops"

"Don't worry about him, go find the others leave Soobin and his dad to me" Yeonjun said and Yeonna let out a whine "No whinning. I know what I'm doing, just trust me"

Yeonna huffed before agreeing and leaving the room to go find the others. Yeonjun sighed and watched her leave before going to hide behind the door.

'Just trust me'


Donghyun felt the need to tease Yeonjun some more so he walked into the room he was tied up in. He pushed the door open walked in just to find the chair empty and the ropes on the floor. He felt a tap on his shoulder and when he looked back a fist came in contact with his nose sending him stumbling back.

"Fuck!" He cursed and swiped the blood off his nose. He ran to punch Yeonjun when he quickly dodged it and kicked him in the back sending him straight to the wall. Donghyun pulled out a gun and aimed it at Yeonjun but it was kicked out of his hands, he watched the gun slide to the corner before turning to Yeonjun who was about to send another punch to his face but he dodged it, Yeonjun's hand painfully coming in contact with the wall.

"Shit" he groaned as he rubbed his fist. He turned around and saw Donghyun walking over to his gun, he quickly swiped him off his feet making him land on the floor with a groan. He ran to the gun and was about to grab it when Donghyun grabbed his leg and pulled him down.

He tried to move his leg but Donghyun's grip won't let him. He kicked Donghyun's face with his other leg as he tried to pull himself closer to the gun when it was picked up. He looked up and saw Soobin standing there pointing the gun at him with no emotion on his face.

"Do it son!" Donghyun yelled with a smile on his face, blood still oozing out from his nose.

"Soobin" Yeonjun whispered and he pulled the trigger. 

As I was editing the fight scene, I read it again and realised how short and lame it looked. Either way hope you enjoyed the chapter! Last chapter next!


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