InoTan Short Story

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Images are not mine credit to the artists of my cover and the pic above.

Ok so really quick I will be using a blind Tanjiro. I am not stealing this from l-sunxflower-l I just really liked the idea from her story. Open link in description for full story. I will be doing my own thing with it and also l-sunxflower-l if you do read this, then know that I got this inspiration from you 🤗. 

This story has Tanjiro's and Inosuke's point of view/Also just want to say that I will explain as Tanjiro on how everything happened then go to the present. 

Ok on with the story.

How it happened:

It was late afternoon and I was waiting to be called up to the office. Ever since I lost my eyesight I haven't been able to get in touch with my emotions. They have been all over the place. I've been depressed, angry, and just out of tune with everything. See ever since I lost my sight all of my other senses have been hightened. I could feel someone's presence with the light tap of my foot. I can hear someone coming do the corridor, I can't smell where someone has been, and sometimes if I really want to do it I can taste something and tell you exactly where it's been.

Nothing made sense to me. I was embarrassed that i needed someone's help to move around. When Nezuko suggested that I go to therapy I was appalled that she even thought of mentioning it. That day was my first day of therapy and I was nervous. But wouldn't anyone be? Once I was called up I stood up and tap my foot to the floor to see if I was going to right way. But of course I didn't entirely know how so I went the exact opposite way. So embarrassing. The therapist touched my shoulder and I jumped. "Sorry didn't mean to scare you", she said, "My name is Shinobu and you are Tanjiro I presume?" I nodded. "Come this way Tanjiro. My office is just around the corner." I didn't want to talk even though I knew I needed to.

I sat down in one of the chairs as she told me about what we were gonna be doing. "Do you have any questions?" she asked. I shook my head. "Ok so I know you lost your sight. Would you mind telling me how it happened?" I sighed. "I don't remember much." "Thats ok just tell me what you can remember." "I recall that I was going down to my village to sell coal.


One of my brothers asked me if he could go down the mountain with me but I told him he wouldn't be able to keep up. *Chuckle* He took that as a challenge. But I still said no. As I walked down the mountain I noticed a little flick of orange in the distance. I saw it was the village. I thought nothing of it. Maybe they were having a festival. So I kept walking. I saw someone running up the hill. But something was off. He had orange all over him. It was until he got close that I saw he was on fire! I ran toward him dropping my coal on the way. I yelled at him to do the Stop, Drop, and Roll fire procedure. He didn't hear me. I yelled again but as I was running to him i saw that he didn't have a head. I screamed and ran away but that THING was to fast for me. He tackled me and burned me pretty bad. I was afraid. Afraid I would die. Suddenly I saw Nezuko running toward me. I looked back over and saw the creature's thumbs closing in on my eyes. I tried to get it off me but it was no use. It slowly put it's thumbs onto my eyes and everything went dark.

End of Flashback

I opened my eyes back up and listened to Shinobu writing down notes. "I think I am done here." she said. "Well start on more stuff next week." I sighed and got up putting my hand on the wall following it. 

Tanjiro POV

I live in a small home with Nezuko. I sleep in the living room and she gets the bedroom. She helps me make my bed every morning but I always do the dishes. This morning was a wreck I didn't get any sleep at all. Suddenly I heard a knock at the door.

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