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<will include: long chapter (1000+ words), abandonment issues, being little, dadzawa>_edited_
-I wake up on top of Aizawa. I look up and blush. At night I must have slipped out of my little space. Its about 10am when I woke. I go back to laying down on his chest again, trying not to move. Of course I fail though. "Stop moving" Aizawa says underneath me. He moves to his side, making me use his left arm as a pillow while wrapping his right arm around me, holding me tight to his chest as I hold my plushy. I blush, the last time I was like this was with my ex. Then he would leave as soon as I slip. I love tight hugs. They always make me slip. Especially when I have a bad day and refuse to slip. I look up to see Aizawa sleeping. I get comfortable and close my eyes. I didn't notice i'm shaking until Aizawa spoke up. "Your shaking. Are you ok? Do you feel uncomfortable? Want me to let go?" He asks as he loosen his hug on me. I shake my head no and grabs onto his arm like last night. He tightens his grip on me and starts to play with my H/L H/C hair. "Is..is it ok if I slip agan.." I question while slipping. "Of course you can slip. I don't mind taking care of you at all. Plus you never have to ask to slip. I'm your CG after all. You never have to ask." Aizawa answers with his morning voice. Not one of my ex's have been this gentle with me. They all just left me alone when I regressed. I squeeze my cat plushy and pull him closer and start to slip. "Are chu gonnu leaf me?" I ask quietly once I finish slipping into my little space. He shakes his head no and gets up with me in his arms. I put a arm around his neck and one around my plushy as he stands up. He goes to his closet and gets a shirt. He walks to my little room and puts me down gently on the bed. "What color do you want to wear at the mall today?" Aizawa asks while putting on the shirt. He had a black short sleeved t-shirt and sweat pants. I shrug at the question. "How about we match little one? Will that be ok with you?" He asks while opening drawers in the stand next to the books. I smile and nod while biting the ears of my plushy. I hear scratching at the door and I get up to open it, still chewing on the ear of my plushy. I open the door to see a brown cat sitting by the door. It meows and walks in. I close the door behind it and follow it to the bed. Aizawa turns around with black sweat pants and a loose short sleeved shirt. "Can you change by yourself little one?" He says while squatting down in front of me and the cat. "Oh hey expresso. You found us" Aizawa says as he pets the cat with his free hand. I nod at the question and he goes out the room and closes the door. "Knock on the door twice if you need help. Three times if your done ok?" He yells though the door. I knock the door once and start changing.
-Once I finish I knock on the door three times and it slowly opens. Aizawa pops his head in to see if I'm dressed. "Hey good job little one. Lets go get you socks and a hat. It's gonna be sunny" He says as he opens the door and walk towards the drawers again. I use my second ability and grab a bucket hat from the drawer with safety pins on the outside. I wave it up to him with pleading eyes. He smiles, walks over, and puts the hat on me properly. I look past the hat and meet his tired eyes with a smile. "Can I wear a mask pease?" "Why do you wanna wear a mask? Don't you need your glasses" he asks. I shake my head and get up going towards the door. He follows with Expresso in tow. I open the door leading to my room. I quickly grab a mask off the desk next to my bed and run over to him. I lift the mask and try to put it on. I fail of course and ask Aizawa to put it in for me. He helps and picks me up, closing the door as he walks downstairs with expresso in tow and a pair of socks in his hand. "You wanna bring this one with us?" Aizawa asks while petting my small cat plushy in my arms. I smile under my mask and nods. "You better not drop it ok. Don't wanna get it dirty" I smile and nod as he puts me on the counter and puts the socks on me. Expresso meows and trots to the living room. "You wanna sit in the front or go in a booster seat little one?" He asks while putting shoes that match his on me. "Font pease" I answer. He brings me down from the counter and fill 5 cat bowls, each with different names on them. Expresso, Jace, Abby, Midnight, and Miko. He gets a cat bowl from the cabinet and fills it with cat food. I look at the bowl questionably as he grabs a small bag filled with wipes, cords, portable chargers, and a black and white pacifier with a cover on it. He swings on the bag and grabs one of his black hats with a safety pin and piercing and his keys from a table. He shoves his keys in his pocket and holds out his hand for me. I quickly grab it and we walk outside. He let's go of my hand and locks the door with his keys. He puts them back in his pocket and walks down his porch with me in tow. He closes the gate behind me and locks it as well. He puts down the bowl near the gate and walks towards his car. He opens the passenger seat door and I hop right in and he closes the door. I look around the car confused on what to do next. He walks around the car and gets in the driver's seat. He pulls on a seat belt and clicks it in place. I look around for mine and I can't find it. I tug on Aizawa's short sleeve with pleading eyes as to what to do next. He reaches over and pulls a seatbelt from behind me and clicks it in place. "You ready? Comfortable?" He asks while throwing his bag in the back seat. I nod and we head off to the mall. "Ready to buy some new clothes little one? What about a new plushy" Aizawa asks as he put in his pin for the large gate. I nod at the plushy part and we drive out of the rich place.

1185 words

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