~~CHAPTER 14~~

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<includes: little space, rule making, dadzawa>
We get home and he helps me unpack the stuff he brought me while I was resting. "Do you wanna set the rules and stuff for your little space now or start with assigning weapons to the students?" I pick the first option since I will be slipping later on. "Ok so when you were gone and recovering, I made a list of rules" I nod. "I made a list of boundaries while I was healing" We send each other a screen shot of the rules and boundaries. I nod approving the list he made. The lists includes:
1. Nap time right at 2pm when staying at home.
2. No snacks or sweets after 10pm
3. Bed time is at 10pm
4. If you can't sleep you are aloud to sleep in my room with CG if comfortable.
5. No going outside when in little space without me.
6. Try and use your words. I understand that you won't be that verbal with me in little space but just try. I won't be mad if you fail to say something.
7. Ask for sweets if you want some or something.
8. No running up and down the stairs.
9. If i'm not home and you slip, don't be afraid to call me while i'm working.
10. Always tell me when your slipping so I'm prepared.
11. Tantrums will happen I understand but try and communicate with me when you are frustrated with something.
I save the photo and I noticed he didn't start on the punishments and rewards. "We can make the punishments and rewards together so we both have a say in it" He says and I nod. He takes out a notebook with "Little rules, punishments, rewards, and boundaries" I open it and write down my boundaries on the second page. He flips the page and puts "Rewards" on the top of it.
1. New plushies
2. New clothes
3. New bottles
4. New pacifiers
5. 30 minutes past bedtime
6. A extra story
7. 30 minutes extra added on play time on electronics
8. Movie night with CG
I smile at the list and replace "CG" with "Papa". He smiles and goes to the next page and writes "punishments" at the top
1. 5 minute time out
2. 10 minute time out
3. 15 minute time out
4. 20 minute time out
5. Early bedtime
6. Half a story instead of full
7. No sweets between 12am-10pm
8. Take away plushy (not favorite cat one)
9. Less screen time
10. No movies
I nod in agreement after altering it to me and his liking. We start assigning weapons to the students. "Ok first up is Bakugo, the first kid you fought" "Hmmmmm something with bombs or blasts" We continue with the weapons questions and I start to slowly slip while still answering. I shake my head and continue answering while fighting off my little space. I lay down with my head near Aizawa as he writes down what weapons we think best suits the students. I start to doze off while trying not to slip, making it harder on myself by accident. "You ok there?" Aizawa asks while putting his hand on my cheek and rubbing his thumb softly on my left cheek while putting the rest of his fingers under my chin. I snap out of my dazed form and blush while trying to hide my face with my hands. He chuckles and makes me look up at him. My face is flushed and he looks down at my with his tired eyes. I turn my flustered face away and stare directly at the tv. I hide my face with my hands and he plays with my hair while I curl up into a ball. We finish assigning weapons to the students and I start to slip. "I'm slipping" I say while looking up at him. He nods and does the same thing again. This time i'm not flustered, I let him touch my face and I slip fast. "Hey little one. You know the rules?" Papa says to me. I nod and climb into his lap and sit down while leaning into him. He smiles and puts one arm around me and the other writing something down on papers. After he's done with the last one he picks me up and I wrap my legs around his waist as he has a arm under my thighs as he picks up papers and puts them in a bag. "Ready to change little one?" I nod excitedly and we head upstairs into my little room. He grabs a onesie that looks like a black cat with a tail and ears. I smile as he shows it to me and I nod exited. He gets the footsies that match with fake cat claws. He walks out and closes the door and waits for me to change. I try and put on the footsies and put them on backwards and uncomfortable. I get frustrated and take off the footsies and throw them at the drawers. I then silently start to cry and quickly run over to pick them up. I walk to the door and knock on it twice. He opens it and pops his head in and see me changed but holding the footsies up to him with watery eyes and a pout. One of them is inside out while the other is folded still. He closes the door behind him and I jump onto the toddler bed and sit down with a bounce with my feet hanging off. He pats my head and I hand him the socks. I try to say please but the words just stick in my throat and I start to silent cry. "It's ok talk when you feel ready little one" Papa says and I nod. He puts the footsies on me and we head off to his room for a movie.

1000 words

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