~~CHAPTER 24~~

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A/N: I will be nice with this one. <3 hope your doing well and thank you that one reader who has read all the way though and is my first reader. Also is it possible to see who views what chapter?
<Includes: comfort, slipping, eating, nap time, comfort, long chapter,
Aizawa's POV:
They are back. THERE BACK. I think and smile as i'm speeding down the road. I grab their hand a kiss it. I tangle our fingers together as I drive. I missed them. I'm sorry. Thank you for giving me a second chance. I promise I will be better. I think while parking. I open the door and help with their suitcase. I unlock the front door and quickly close it behind them, rolling their suitcase down the hall and wrapping them in a tight hug. "Please never run again. Don't go in the living room. Go unpack. Just please don't run. I missed you. I can't go back to drinking daily again. Please, stay"
Y/N's POV:
I start to cry as I hug him back. He used to drink? Is that why he doesn't want me to go to the living room? I nod my head and he helps me with my bag upstairs. I start to unpack and he goes downstairs to clean the living room. I subconsciously start to slip while finishing putting the rest of my clothes away. I slip fully to two years and start crying silently. I try to stand but my legs give out. I land on my knees and sit down on my calfs. I start crying a little louder and I hear foot steps coming upstairs. I quickly hide in the closet, afraid I will get yelled at for being loud. After a while I hear someone calling me. "Papa" I whisper a open the door. I crawl out and papa runs up and scoops me up. "Thats where you were hiding. You know I was scared. Don't hide. I won't yell at you. Never. How old are you" I hear papa say. I put up two fingers and he smiles. "You wanna change?" I nod. I know he hasn't been with two year old me yet. He walks to my little room and put's me down on the bed. He opens something and grabs a cat onesie. He gives it to me. "Can you change yourself?" I shake my head no. "Do you feel comfortable with me changing you little one?" I nod my head and hold it up to him. He changes me quickly and grabs a pair of footsies that match with toe beans. I smile as he put them on. "Wanna watch a movie we got all day to cuddle and watch. What about snacks and sweets? Want to make cookies with me?" I nod at all of them and he grabs my favorite cat plushy. I make grabby hands for it and papa gives it to me. He clips something to my onesie and pops a pacifier in my mouth. I give papa a smile and make up hands towards him. He smiles and picks me up. We go downstairs and he grabs a bag full of snacks before going to the living room.
"Which movie do you want?" Papa says. I shrug and cuddle up to his side. He puts a comforting arm around me and scrolls though movies on the tv. I point at a movie. He clicks it and it starts playing. Papa lets me eat snacks as we watch. We watch until noon rolls around and papa makes lunch. We eat and make cookies after. We make a mess with the flour. After a hour and a half the cookies finally are ready to cut into shapes. I smile and point to the heart cookie cutters. He smiles and grabs the shape. He puts it on the stretched out dough. "Wanna do it little one?" Papa asks me. I nod my head and he puts my hands on top of the cutter. "Press down and wiggle it" Papa says. I do it and it turns out perfect. "Lets make some more shapes and then after your nap we can eat the cookies ok?" I nod while yawning a little. We make more shapes and papa puts them on a tray and slides it in the oven. I smile and yawn. I make up hands to papa and he picks me up. "Lets get you changed so you don't have to sleep in a onesie full of flour" Papa says as he tickled my sides a little. I giggle and nod. We get upstairs and he changes me into a bear onesie. I smile and he grabs a matching pacifier and clip. He clips it onto my onesie and sits me up. "Wanna sleep here or downstairs?" I point downstairs and he folds a small blanket and grab my cat plushy. My favorite plushy. He gives me my plushy and picks me up. I yawn and start falling asleep while he walks downstairs with me and a blanket in his hands. We reach the bottom and i'm half asleep. "Tank chu papa" I say before fully fall asleep on him.
Aizawa's POV:
I smile and start to cry at the thought that I almost lost them. I lay them down on the couch and put a soft pillow behind their head. I lay their favorite blanket on them and they turn to their side, still hugging their plushy. I smile at the sight. They wake up and whine, they turn back to their backside and try to fall asleep. I put their pacifier in their mouth and they smile. They quickly fall asleep and I dim the lights before cleaning the kitchen and putting out a fan, mittens, and something to put the hot pan on. I go back to the living room and replace the pillow they are laying on with my thigh. I scroll on my phone while rubbing their shoulder in a comforting way as they sleep on their side.

1016 words

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