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It's the night sky, brilliant with shimmering stars, the rare cloud pale against the darkness, and the full moon that glows so big it feels like anyone can reach up and brush their fingers against it.

In the garden everyone was dancing to the tunes that played through the loudspeakers. But even in this chaos someone had managed to steal moments of tranquility.

It was Koel. Standing on the edge of terrace wall, letting cool November breeze play with his hair. As she saw everyone downstairs dancing their hearts out. Then her eyes fell on Nikhil who was dancing along Faizi. She took a deep breathe. She had so many thoughts running past her mind ever since she landed in India. After all the journey back, home wasn't easy for her. And how could it be she was returning to the very place she ran away from. One can run away from people and places but not from memories. And India was place of so many memories for her. This few moments by herself gave her some peace.

Away from everyone she had made her own sweet small world that revolved around her, her son and her work. She was happy there. She felt safe in that small, knitted world of hers.

Koel's train of thoughts were broken when she heard footsteps. She turned around to find Siddharth walking towards her direction.

It's so good to see you after..., said Koel as she hugged Siddharth.

What good to see you, said Siddharth in a bit harsh tone cutting Koel in between.

Just stop this formality, he continued as he pushed Koel away.

No Sid I am genuinely happy seeing you after so long, said Koel.

Happy? Really, is it? When 4 years back suddenly you decided to just go away leaving everything behind that too without even informing everyone. And to top that you cut contact from everyone. You even deactivated your social media account. All these years we kept looking for you. Calling our common friends, your parents we did it all and you didn't even bother getting in touch with anyone of us. You threw us all out of your life. Where was your friendship back then, screamed Siddharth.

Sid I can explain, said Koel.

What is left to be explained Koel.? If you had problem, then you could have come to us. We could have solved it together. That's what friend are for. All these years I kept waiting for that one text, that one mail or call from you, that one knock on my door but you just never came back nor did ever try to connect to us. Was this your friendship? If you and Faizi had issues, why you ghosted all of us. Why did you punish us all? Why did you left without even informing for us to keep longing for you, screamed Siddharth.

Koel silently just kept looking at him. A tear fell of her eyes.

Seeing Koel take it all silently broke Siddharth's heart even more. He just engulfed Koel in a hug.

I am sorry, is all that Sid could hear before Koel broke down in his arms.

No, I am sorry. I am sorry for screaming at you. I was just mad at you for shutting me out. I mad at myself for not being around when you needed me the most. I never wanted to leave you alone. I was just worried about you. I missed you Ko..I missed you being around, said Siddharth.

I am really sorry Sid for shutting you all away. But I had to. I never wanted to return back to the same place, to the same issues. And going away seemed the only way, said Koel in a low tone as she let her tears that had controlled for years flow.

I hate to see you cry, said Sid as he wiped Koel's tears.

I too hate this vulnerable Koel, whispered Koel.

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