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Tired by the pool party and mehendi ceremony after dinner the crowd of relatives started fading.

It was about midnight when Koel found herself again changing sides and rolling on the bed. Frustrated by staring  the wall opposite to her bed, she went kitchen to get a glass of water for herself. On her way back she got herself a jug full of water just in case she needs in further. As Koel was proceeding towards her room, she heard someone talking and giggling. The voice seemed familiar. Pumped with curiosity she went in the direction from the voice came.

It was Faizi, talking to someone on call. Koel turned back to return to her room.

And Ammi you won't believe how cute Nikhil is, said Faizi in an excited tone.

How adorable his chattering's are, his eyes are so beautiful just like Koel's and he has inherited her charming smile too Ammi, continued Faizi.

This line stooped Koel from moving further.

Koel has raised him well Ammi, continued Faizi.

Koel came back to her room. Faizi's words were still ringing in her ears.


Karan was deep asleep when he received a tight slap on his face it was Siddharth's hand which was now on Karan's neck. Karan removed Siddharth's hand from his neck. Karan had barely closed his eyes when Siddharth again hit him. But this time on Karan's stomach. Karan wailed in pain. But unaffected Siddharth cuddled up and carried on with his deep sleep. You know what hurts more than losing your sleep watching your friends in deep sleep when you are wide awake. Siddharth again placed his hand on Karan. This time Karan pushed him. But the force was so much that Siddharth fell off the bed. Fell off the bed on Faizi who was sleeping on a mattress by the bed. Faizi was now wide awake while Siddharth was still deep asleep. Faizi looked around only to find Karan smile at him widely. Punishing the culprit who spoiled his deep sleep, Faizi hit Siddharth with his elbow. And now in 5 in the morning these three were wide awake. And ringing in the room were loud snores of Karan's brother. In no way could any of the three sleep now.

I have an idea, said Siddharth as he rushed out of the room. Following him went the other two. 


Kaali Billi, whispered Siddharth.

On getting no response he again called for Koel but this time in a slightly louder tone than the previous attempt making sure Nikhil and Sanjana don't wake up.

God you were witness that I tired, whispered Siddharth looking upwards.

Sorry Ko I am left with only this alternative now, whispered Siddharth to himself.

Siddharth carefully took the jug placed on the side table, poured water into a glass and then took the jug and poured rest of the water on Koel.

Shocked by the sudden flowing water on her, Koel woke up and sat upright on her bed. Siddharth had already placed his one hand on Koel's mouth just so in case she screams, Nikhil and Sanjana's sleep isn't disturbed.

Good morning Ko, said Siddharth smiling at Koel as he sipped water from the glass.

Karan and Faizi who were peeping from outside the door were having hard time controlling their laughter.

Koel threw a pillow on Siddharth.

Then Siddharth very carefully patted Nikhil and called out his name in a medium tone.

You could have waked me up that way, said Koel.

Yeah, I could but uss mein mazza nahi aata, said Siddharth casually.

Koel threw another pillow on Siddharth. But this time the pillow hit Sanjana. Poor Sanjana had barely opened her eyes when she received a cushion that came flying and hit straight onto her face. All thanks to Koel.

Why did you wake me up, asked Koel.

Walk pe chalegi, asked Siddharth as he hid himself behind Faizi.

Koel stopped chasing Siddharth.

It's only 5 in the morning, said Koel making an irritated face as she glanced at the clock.

Exactly, said Siddharth as he dragged Koel outside.

Sanjana was about to follow them when suddenly she stopped. Karan saw this happen. He asked Sanjana to come along.


Siddharth and Koel were leading and following them walked Sanjana, Faizi and Karan. Monami denied to sacrifice her sweet sleep for a walk.

The cooing and chirping of birds constitute the background score (unfortunately, Karan's background had noise of humans- his friends). Koel and Sanjana were busy discussing their evening function outfit, Faizi was munching wafers and Siddharth was busy clicking pictures of everyone.

After walking around for an hour or so the five decided to return back. The sun had risen above the horizon and the onset of day had begun.


Faizi was sitting in the corner of the garden and sipping his morning tea. The ringing laughter's and faint sound of voices conversing could be heard from the tent where breakfast was going on. Outside the tent stood main cook and few of men assisting him in carefully letting batter of all-purpose flour and gram flour in thick, circular, and deep cooking pot containing boiling hot oil. And another man sitting by the huge kadhai and filtering out the spiral shaped orange rings and then letting them sink in another huge container containing sugar syrup. Jalebi was being made. Along it samosa and poori's were too deep fired while at a distance stood another man running a huge mixing spoon back and forth in another huge cooking pot placed on stove. It was the aloo sabzi that was being made. This is a typical breakfast that you could find at any wedding ceremony in India.

Faizi was busy observing all these things when someone forwarded a bowl in front of him. It contained his favourite badam ka halwa. Then Faizi looked up to see the one who forwarded him this bowl of his favourite sweet dish. It was Monami.

Without uttering a word Monami took a seat beside Faizi. And then forwarded a spoonful of halwa infront of Faizi's mouth.

Sorry na, said Monami making a puppy face.

Koel's words rang in Faizi's ears.

Faizi ate the halwa. For few moments no one uttered any word.

Faizi I know you are hurt and I shouldn't have hidden the very fact from you that I was in touch with Koel but she had asked us not to tell anyone about her or else she would not keep a contact with us. Sorry na Faizi, said Monami.

I am still mad at you, said Faizi as he turned his face again towards the garden.

Monami's face sank. The little hope that Faizi would forgive her shattered.

But I can forgive if you make me more of such halwa, said Faizi.

Monami smiled at his words as she hugged him.

 Only this time I am forgiving you. I hope neither of us would hide anything between us from further on. I hope you aren't hiding any other thing that I need to know, whispered Faizi.

Monami nodded her head in negative. Faizi stood up and went towards Siddharth who waved at him. Monami kept thinking about something and sighed.

that's all for this update. Hope you liked this update. Do comment down your views would love to hear them out and do vote if you liked the chapter.

Was there something that Monami was hiding?

Next update soon.

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