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Siddharth, Sanjana and Nikhil went near the mandap and so did Koel and Faizi.

It was time for pheras. As panditji recited mantras and explained it's meaning to the bride and groom and everyone present there.

Faizi took Koel's hand into his. Koel smiled at him.

Sanjana leaned her head into Siddharth's shoulder as she wrapped her arm around his.

During pheras Karan looked towards Monami. He smiled at her as their very first meet flashed in front of his eyes. He smiled further at the thought that who knew that the very girl who sat beside him at the first day of college who end up becoming his girlfriend and now wife. Life has it's own way of working out. Sometimes it works out in most mysterious yet magical manner. May be that's the beauty of life. 

Koel kept adoring Faizi holding onto her hand. Who knew that the very same occasion that she has been avoiding all this while and had almost given up the thought of coming back India. The very same trip would end up become an occasion where years of misunderstandings and hurt would be undone.

Sanjana smiled at the very thought that sometimes all it takes is a bit of heart-to-heart conversation to solve it all. It felt as the weigh on her chest was finally removed after years.

The afternoon had turned into evening and now into young night. Stars twinkled around in the sky.


The wedding rituals was finally over. It was time for vidaai now.

Monami was on a verge of crying. A few tears did escape her eyes.

Karan kept looking at his wife. It ached a little to watch his wife cry like a toddler on their big day but he couldn't help it indeed was an emotional moment. For both Monami and her parents. The same child who grew up in safe shadows of their parents' nest now has to move on and make their own nest. Though this was what Monami was always wanted but it still ached to leave your parents. It wasn't that she won't have her parents by her side. It was the whole thought of starting a damn new chapter often seems scary.

And on part of parents too it was not easy to let go of the same child they played with in their arms to watch them grow into adult and one fine they leave their safe space to start a brand-new chapter on her own. Though Monami's parents where more than happy to watch they baby girl shape up into an adult and be able to find a man who loves her, cares for her, supports her, respects her and accepts her just the way she was but still it ached their heart to watch her leave.

After few minutes of Monami clenching onto her parents and cry like a 3-year-old who was forcibly send to school, Karan thought he will have to do something to cheer his wife's mood up.

Monami your make up will be spoiled and then you won't look good in pictures too think about it, whispered Karan into Monami's ears.

Surprisingly, his idea worked. Monami stopped shedding any more tears at once. Asked for handkerchief and carefully started wiping her tears making sure to not smudge her makeup.

Karan giggled at his wife's antics.

Koel brought a plate containing puffed rice. It was a ritual where the bride has to throw three handfuls of the puffed rice behind her back. It was a way to give them back what she got from them and wish prosperity and happiness for them. Monami's threw away three handful of puffed rice. And guess what it landed on Sanjana. And now Sanjana had a hard time removing puffed rice off her hair and lengha. Some puffed rice slipped into her blouse and there was no way she could take it out immediately. Afterall she was surrounded by a lot many guests. She cursed her fate underneath her breathe.

Siddharth giggled at Sanjana's state and she glared him in return. If looks could kill, Siddharth would have been dead by now already.


After their wedding took place, the night was converted into a rager reception party where everyone let their hair loose and danced till their feet hurt. The Mr & Mrs hosted an absolutely smiting after-party for the guests! The fairy light décor and lit wedding hashtag installation doubled up the beauty of the celebrations. Monami dazzled in a heavily embellished gown for the rustic-themed after Party. Karan complemented her well in a red and black tuxedo. The couple posed for some picturesque shots against the fairy light backdrops.

Under the twinkling stars danced their hearts out all of them. Siddharth stepped on Koel's feet and in return Koel threw the glass of cold drink on Siddharth. As a result, now Siddharth chased Koel with a glass two glasses of cold drinks in his hands. In this chase Siddharth ended up bump into Sanjana only to spill cold drink on her and Faizi. Now Sanjana and Faizi chased Siddharth and behind them went Monami and Karan as always trying to make unsuccessful attempts to stop their friends.

Somethings never change, some bonds never break, some people always give you feel of home. Everything is temporary but somethings always give you the sense of "forever". Just like what these six felt around each other. A sense of belongingness.

There is only one true love for those who are made for each other. God has made someone for everyone in this world, and it is the fate that brings them together. When two people are made for each other, no time is too long, no distance is too far and nobody can keep them apart. They just somehow pave their ways to another, find each other and stay by one another.

And with this chapter this story comes to an end. This story was really close to my heart.

Thank you so much for showing so much love to this piece of my heart.

Do comment down which part of this story was your favourite. 

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