You Remind Me of Someone I Used to Know

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Salvatore Boarding School

Everyone was sat in morning assembly as Professor Vardemus was talking about the annual football game. "As you're aware, it's time for the annual American football match with Mystic Falls High." Professor Vardemus announced, holding a football. Everyone groaned. Josie huffed and Aaron slouched in his seat. "Great." Kaleb said sarcastically. "Today, you will not be forced to lose a game so that humans can feel superior." Professor Vardemus said. Aaron looked curious and intrigued. "Everyone one of you is special. Every one of you. And it's time you showed it." Professor Vardemus said. All the students started to actually look excited about what he was saying and clapped.

Josie stood up. "How?" She asked. "By using your powers in moderation, Miss Saltzman." Professor Vardemus said. Josie sat back down and Aaron grabbed her hand. "When the goal is not exposure, only to win. Think of it as exercise in control." Professor Vardemus said. Kaleb then stood up. "Well I am here for it. After last year, it would feel really good to show those Timebrwolves what we're all about." Kaleb said. Everyone started agreeing. Aaron the stood up. "It's about time that we actually put those Timberwolves in their places and finally show them who is superior." Aaron said. Everyone cheered in agreement. "And who better to lead you in this endeavour as your quarterback than our own Landon Kirby." Professor Vardemus said. He then threw the ball to Landon.

Landon barely caught it and people started clapping for him. Landon looked at Aaron. He smiled at Landon and nodded. MG looked at Landon in disbelief and Landon looked like he wanted the Earth to swallow him while but just smiled. Aaron looked at Josie. "It's actually going to feel good when we finally win." Aaron said. Josie just nodded and smiled. Aaron saw through the act and grabbed her hand again. "I know that it's going to feel weird with your dad not being coach. But, look at the bright side of this situation. We get to practice control and win a football game." Aaron said smiling. Josie smiled and pecked his lips.

"How are you always this optimistic?" Josie asked. Aaron shrugged. "I got it from my mom." Aaron said. Josie laughed and Aaron grinned. "I'm going to go get changed. And I'll meet you outside later." Josie said. Aaron nodded. "Okay." Aaron said and watched Josie stand up and walk away. Landon then sat down next to Aaron with a horrified expression. "I can't throw a ball well." Landon said. Aaron sighed. "I knew this would happen." Aaron said quietly. He sighed before looking at Landon, dead in the eye. "Here's what you're going to do. You're going to go get changed into your jersey, you're gonna get on that bus and then you're going to learn the basics with me and Josie." Aaron said. Landon nodded. "Go! Now!" Aaron said. Landon nodded. "Right." Landon said, rushing away.

Aaron shook his head and stood up and started walking away. As we was walking towards the stairs, he almost ran into Kaleb. "Sorry, man." Aaron said. "It's all good." Kaleb said. The two chuckled. "I can't wait to beat the crap out of those humans." Kaleb said. "Tell me about it. I can't wait to rub a win in their smug faces." Aaron said. "See, you get me. You understand." Kaleb said. "I totally get it. I get that we need to protect our secret. But this is one of the things that we need to feel normal. And losing all the time isn't helping. It just makes us want to use our powers more. But now, we actually have a chance to win." Aaron said. Kaleb nodded. "My speed with your magic can definitely get us lots of touchdowns." Kaleb said.

Aaron nodded. "You know that if you need anything, you can come to me. We're friends." Aaron said. Kaleb smiled. "Thanks, man. And same goes for you." Kaleb said. Aaron smiled. "Thanks." Aaron said. The two did a handshake before going their separate ways.

Later ~ Football Field

Aaron, Josie and Landon were practicing. "Yellow 80. Yellow 80-" Landon said but was cut off by the ball hitting him in the chest. Josie looked behind her. "Sorry. Foster care didn't have a football team." Landon said. He looked at Aaron. "What did I tell you? I'm a total fraud. Now the whole school will see it and this will be total disaster." Landon said. Josie grabbed his hands. "I told you I'm really good at taking care people." Josie said. "We're all going to get through this." Aaron said. Josie nodded. "How? I can even throw." Landon said. "Yes you can. You just need a little help." Josie said. Aaron held his hand out and Josie siphoned him. She then grabbed Landon's hands. "Viribus." Josie chanted.

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