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Chapter One

It had been a long four years, she was nineteen and now she was twenty four, but today was the day, no more confinement, only freedom. "Lets go Trager." The young guard, Asher, who had been kinder than most stood in the doorway of the cell having opened the cell door only seconds before, somewhat understanding of her silence, she had been mute since she was hurt almost two years ago. Storm stood up and walked to her, turning around so he could put the cuffs around her wrists. "I bet your excited to get out of here today." Asher said as he turned her around and they started walked through the maze of halls and out to where she would be freed. Storm only nodded, choosing not to talk as usual. She found that it was easy not to talk to anyone, couldn't speak, couldn't get in trouble.

They stopped at the desk and he removed the cuffs from her wrists for the last time before standing beside her. "Name." The guard at the desk snapped. "Storm Trager." Asher said for her, she looked at him. "A Mrs Morrow dropped off these for you. Go change and then you can collect your belongings." The guard snapped. Storm rolled her eyes but reached forward and picked up the bag of clothing and walking over to the little cubicle to change. She pulled at each item, glancing over it, knowing Gemma had defiantly picked these out, a light pink and black lace polka dot bra and pantie set, dark blue skinny low cut jeans, a black strappy oversized black tank top along with a pair of strappy black platform heels. Her long brunette hair was already in a waterfall French braid, she quickly changed out of her standard issue prison clothing and into the new clothes. She stepped back and looked down at herself, it had been a while since anyone had seen her, and she'd changed a lot since then, she was now a lot thinner meaning the clothes swallowed her somewhat.

She walked back out and over to the desk, placing the folded up clothing to the side as Asher came and stood beside her. "Check that everything is there and then sign." The guard told her as he placed the bag of belongings in front of her, the bag only contained her ray-ban sunglasses, a plain silver ring and two twenty-dollar notes. She signed the form, and opened the bag, sliding the ring onto the right ring finger, noticing it was a lot looser now, before grabbing the two twenty dollar notes and shoving them in the pocket of her jeans and sliding the sunglasses on. "Good luck Storm." Asher said as he walked her through to the exit. She waited until the buzzer sounded and turned to Asher "Thank you." She said quietly as he looked surprised and shocked before stepping out into the bright hot California sun. She walked down the dusty path and saw two bikes, two Sons waiting for her.

She smiled widely as the gate opened and she stepped out of the confines, truly free. She walked forward as Juice came towards her, he met her halfway smiling wide, and hugged her, picking her up and spinning her around completely before putting her back down. "You look amazing." Juice said standing back and looking her up and down. "Gemma apparently sent these clothes. Get me out of here." I replied. "The club were going to come but a last minute thing with the Mayans came up." Juice said quietly as he slung his arm over her shoulders pulling her into the side of his body as they walked back to the bikes.

"Who's the new kid?" Storm asked nodding over to the new kid who was standing unsure of himself. "Prospect." Juice said loudly getting the prospect's attention. "Storm, this is the prospect, Half Sack. Half Sack this is Storm Trager." Juice smiling wide as he introduced them as he lifted his arm from her and went over to his bike, pulling out a black hoodie. "Here, we have to make a stop on our way back." Juice told her as he handed her the hoodie which she quickly put on even though it swallowed her up. He handed her his helmet but she shook her head, instead getting on behind her, pressing herself tightly against him as he put his helmet and sunglasses on, starting his bike along side the prospect. They pulled out, riding side by side, onto the open highway. The feeling of the wind rushing past them and the sun on her body made Storm smile as she rested her head on Juice's shoulder.

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