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Chapter Seven

Juice woke early to Storm next to him still asleep and cuddled up in the blankets. He got up gently making sure not to wake her and slipped into the bathroom to have a quick shower and head to TM. Juice walked out of the bathroom, fully dressed and Storm was still asleep, he quickly grabbed his spare set of keys and wrote a note letting her know where he is, leaving them beside her on the bed, before heading out.

Juice walked into the clubhouse, just in time to see Tig throwing his phone across the room as everyone watched. "Juice is here." Bobby said to Tig. "What's going on?" Juice asked. "I need you to track Storm's phone, she won't answer and she's not at the house." Tig explained, his voice leaving no room for argument. "I don't need too. She's at mine asleep but she'll be in later." Juice said simply as all eyes turned to him as Tig stepped closer. "What do you mean she's at yours?" Tig asked, his voice murderous. "She...she...we were watching a movie and she fall asleep last night." Juice stumbled as Tig stepped even closer. "Juice, go check in with Gemma, I think she needs you and Half Sack to start on tows." Jax intervened. Juice quickly nodded and made his way out, relieved.


Storm pulled into TM a few hours later to see that the club was in. She got out and made her way over to Juice who was unhooking a car from the tow truck. "Hey." Juice said smiling as Half Sack made himself scarce. "Hey, here." Storm replied as she went to hand his back his keys. "Nah, Keep 'em. That way you can go there whenever you want." Juice said. "Thanks Juice." Storm said sliding the keys back into her pocket. "I better go find my Dad." Storm said. "He's in the clubhouse." Juice said as she walked off towards the clubhouse.

Storm walked into the clubhouse, seeing Piney, Clay and Bobby sitting at the bar and Tig standing on the opposite side. "Hey darling." Piney said noticing her first. "Hi, sorry I didn't mean to interrupt." Storm said. "You aren't." Clay offered. "Can we talk?" Storm asked directed at Tig. "Sure, lets go outside." Tig answered pushing back off the bar and following behind her as they made their way outside. They sat on the edge of the ring.

"I'm sorry about yesterday." Storm offered softly. "Me too. I should have told you that I was sending the prospect with you." Tig countered. "I should probably fill you in on a few things...when I got stabbed there was quite a lot of damage to my lung and liver which is why I'm not drinking or smoking. I'm on medication for it and it is getting better. I just have to be careful." Storm told him looking down at her hands. "You and Juice?" Tig questioned. "Just friends Dad. Things are still a little overwhelming..." Storm told him as he nodded, knowing that feeling.

"I got a call from Freddie and he told me he might have a part time position opening up...thank you for that." Storm told Tig, knowing her would have had something to do with it. "I love you Storm." Tig said. "I love you too Dad." Storm told him as he pulled her into him, kissing her forehead. "So I was wondering if it would be ok to get a puppy or two?" Storm asked seeing she was living at his house. "Yeah. Defiantly I know you love dogs." Tig smiled. "You want to come with me to the shelter now?" Storm asked. "Yeah, I'll just let Clay know." Tig said letting her go and standing up. "I'll wait here." Storm answered as he walked away. "Keys. I'm not riding bitch." Tig said smiling as he walked back out of the clubhouse, Storm tossed him the keys as she stood up and they made their way over to the truck.


Tig and Storm pulled into the animal shelter, the tension relieved after their talk, this was really the first time they'd been alone since she got released and it was nice. They walked into the kennels, looking at the dogs. "Oh wow." Storm said as she stopped at the cage door, looking at the two puppies cuddled together. "It says they have to be adopted together, they are four months old, both fixed and trained with the basics. The brown and white one is a boxer and a boy, and the grey and white one is a pit-bull and a little girl." Tig told her as he read off the information sheet on the door before he leant down next to Storm as the puppies came towards them.

"You can take them outside and play with them if you want too." One of the shelter volunteers offered. "Yes please. Do you know their story?" Storm asked as she and Tig stepped back so the volunteer could open the cage. "We've had them since they were six weeks old, the owner abandoned these two on the side of the road." She told them as the puppies came rushing out and straight over to Storm who patted them both. "I want to take these two home." Storm said without a shadow of a doubt. "Alright then, lets get the paperwork done so you can take them home. We'll just have to put them on their leashes to take them through but they will follow you without." The volunteer said as she clipped two leashes onto their collars, handing them to Storm.

Storm signed all the papers before picking up everything she needed for the dogs including new collars, leashes, a blanket, some chew toys, bowls and food. "You're all ready to go." The volunteer said as she handed a copy of the paperwork to Tig. "Thank you." Storm said smiling wide as they made their way out to the truck. She opened the door to the back of the double cab truck and quickly spread the blanket out over the seat before getting the dogs inside along with the rest of their stuff before climbing into the front next to Tig.

"They may be pets but they also need to be guard dogs Storm." Tig said as he glanced back at the two curled up asleep together when they stopped at a red light. "I know Dad." Storm answered. "What are you going to name them?" Tig asked as the light went green. "I think Cash and Nell." Storm smiled as she looked back at them. "I like them." Tig said as they pulled into TM.

Tig got out as well as Storm, the truck still running. "I'm going to take these two home. I'll see you later." Storm said. "See you later." Tig answered as she got into the drivers side of the truck, just wanting to head home and spend some time with Cash and Nell.

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